Iran sentences Sunni missionaries to heavy prison terms

Human Rights Activists in Iran
Seven Kurd missionaries were sentenced to heavy prison terms by the 28th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court.
According to reports, these seven men have been jailed since June 2009 in solitary cells in the Bukan and Orumieh intelligence agencies and cellblocks 209 and 240 in Evin Prison where they were under pressure by intelligence and security agents to make confessions. There were recently trialed by the 28th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh and sentenced to prison. Mamousta Mohammad Barayi was sentenced to 11 years of prison, while Abdollah Khosrozadeh, Hossein Heidari and Sobhan Ahmadzadeh were sentenced to six years of prison. Hesam Mohammadi, and Himan Mahmoud Takhti were sentenced to five years of prison while Sediq Ahmadi was sentenced to two years of prison.
They were charged with propagating and holding religious ceremonies, holding religious sessions and leaving the country. They are currently in Cellblock 350 in Evin Prison.

صدور بيش از چهل سال زندان براي مبلغان مذهبي کرد زبان
7 تن از مبلغان مذهبي کرد زبان از سوي شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب تهران به حبس هاي طولاني محکوم شدند.
به گزارش سني نيوز، 7 تن از شهروندان بوکاني که از خرداد ماه 1388 در سلول هاي انفرادي وزارت اطلاعات شهرستان بوکان و اروميه و بند هاي امنيتي 209 و 240 زندان اوين بودند و مدت ها توسط نيروهاي اطلاعاتي-امنيتي اروميه و تهران براي اعتراف تحت فشار بوده اند اخيرا از سوي شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب تهران به رياست قاضي مقيسه به زندان محکوم شده اند. از سوي قاضي مقيسه آقايان ماموستا محمد برائي به يازده سال، عبدالله خسرو زاده، حسين حيدري، سبحان احمد زاده به شش سال و حسام محمدي، هيمن محمود تختي به پنج سال و صديق احمدي به دو سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده اند.
جرم اين افراد تبليغ و برگزاري مراسم مذهبي، تشکيل جلسات مذهبي و خروج از مرز عنوان شده است و در حال حاضر تمامي اين افراد به بند 350 زندان اوين منتقل شده اند. (هرانا – 13/9/89)


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