Iran News Agency
Referenced by Freedom Messenger
Translation by Laleh Irani, Persian2English
Iran News Agency: At 10:00am today, 16 Azar (Student Day), an Islamic Azad University of Qazvin student was chanting “Allah O Akbar” in protest to security agents, assuming the slogan would be safe to shout. However, the security agents immediately attacked and attempted to stop him by covering his mouth, but the rest of the students joined him and they began shouting slogans. The Basij forces continued to threaten and torment the student and kept an eye on him until noon. Around 1:00pm when he had become weak and sick, the school’s security agents took him away and there is still no news of his whereabouts.
Referenced by Freedom Messenger
Translation by Laleh Irani, Persian2English
Iran News Agency: At 10:00am today, 16 Azar (Student Day), an Islamic Azad University of Qazvin student was chanting “Allah O Akbar” in protest to security agents, assuming the slogan would be safe to shout. However, the security agents immediately attacked and attempted to stop him by covering his mouth, but the rest of the students joined him and they began shouting slogans. The Basij forces continued to threaten and torment the student and kept an eye on him until noon. Around 1:00pm when he had become weak and sick, the school’s security agents took him away and there is still no news of his whereabouts.
حمله مزدوران حراستي به يك دانشجو وبستن دهان او به خاطر فرياد الله اكبر!
آژانس ايران خبر : ساعت 10 صبح امروز 16 آذر يكي از دانشجويان دانشگاه آزاد قزوين به دنبال تذكر حراست و در اعتراض به تحت نظر بودن خودش از سوي مزدوران حراستي فرياد الله اكبر سر داد , مزدوران در هراس از شكل گيري اعتراض به سرعت جلوي دهان او را گرفتند اما بقيه دانشجويان به اين دانشجو پيوسته وشعار داده و تظاهرات كردند , مزدوران بسيج همچنان تا ظهر اين دانشجو را تهديد كرده و تحت نظر داشتند , حوالي ساعت 1300 ظهر هنگامي كه اين دانشجو حالش بد شد , حراست دانشگاه او را باخود برد و از او تا اين لحظه خبري در دست نيست .
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