Committee of Human Rights Reporters
A few hours after a gathering by the families of those detained during yesterday’s gatherings, a list consisting of 1,500 names (of detainees) was read out by court officials and it was announced that all detainees were taken to Evin Prison.
Notably, detainees in Tehran were taken to the Revolutionary Court in Moalem Street and criminal records were filed for each of them. Special Forces attacked and beat the families of these detainees who were gathered outside the Revolutionary Court this morning.
The announcement of the names of 1,500 prisoners comes after the Commander of State Security Forces in Tehran announced that 150 people were arrested in the protests.
A few hours after a gathering by the families of those detained during yesterday’s gatherings, a list consisting of 1,500 names (of detainees) was read out by court officials and it was announced that all detainees were taken to Evin Prison.
Notably, detainees in Tehran were taken to the Revolutionary Court in Moalem Street and criminal records were filed for each of them. Special Forces attacked and beat the families of these detainees who were gathered outside the Revolutionary Court this morning.
The announcement of the names of 1,500 prisoners comes after the Commander of State Security Forces in Tehran announced that 150 people were arrested in the protests.
اعلام نام 1500 تن دستگير شده و انتقال همگي بازداشتشدگان به زندان اوين
با گذشت چند ساعت از تجمع خانوادههاي افراد دستگير شده در جريان تجمع ديروز ليستي مرکب از 1500 نام از سوي مسئولان دادسرا خوانده و اعلام شد تمامي بازداشتشدگان به زندان اوين منتقل شدهاند.
لازم به ذکر است صبح امروز، 26 بهمن ماه بازداشتشدگان تجمع روز گذشته در تهران، به دادگاه انقلاب واقع در خيابان معلم انتقال يافته و براي آنان پرونده تشکيل شده است. اين در حالي است که ماموران يگان ويژه، صبح امروز با حمله به خانوادههاي بازداشتشدگان در مقابل دادگاه انقلاب، آنان را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادهاند.
اعلام نام 1500 تن بازداشتي در حالي است که کمي پيش سردار احمدرضا رادان، فرمانده نيروي انتظامي تهران در مصاحبهاي تعداد بازداشتشدگان را 150 تن اعلام کرده بود. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 26/11/89)
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