IRAN Weekly HR report 16 Feb. 2011: Basic freedom and rights abused

Iran buries body of female executed political prisoner in secret without presence of family
According to reports, the body of executed political prisoner Zahra Bahrami was buried in Semnan by agents of the Intelligence Agency without the presence of her family.
On Sunday, February 6 at about 3:30 pm intelligence agents called Bahrami’s daughter, Banafsheh Naebpour from Semnan and informed her that they intended to bury her mother’s body in this town and that one of her family members could be present in the burial. This is while it takes about 4 and a half hours to go to Semnan from Tehran and the family were not able to make it on time and the intelligence agents put into practice their intent to bury the body in secret without the presence of family members as they had in the case of other executed political prisoners…
Intelligence agents threatened this family not to hold any kind of ceremony in public places like Mosques or prayer halls and said that they would officially announce that the Bahrami family was banned from holding the ceremony in public places.
Intelligence agents also threatened this family in a phone call saying that they were not to inform the Dutch Embassy that Zahra Bahrami was buried in secret and that her family was banned from holding a memorial service. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 6, 2011)

Iran kicks off espionage trial of US hikers
The espionage trial of two American hikers jailed in Iran since being arrested near the Iran-Iraq border 18 months ago began Sunday, but the hikers' lawyer said he doesn't think they will be convicted.
‘I'm pretty sure they won't be convicted, because [the trial] doesn't have any legal justification,' Masoud Shafii told Reuters.
‘Even it they are convicted, [the sentence] shouldn't be for more than what they have already spent in jail’, Mr. Shafii said he was denied requests to see his two clients, Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, as he mounted their defense.
‘I have studied the case in full detail. The question of spying is irrelevant,' Shafii told the Agence France-Presse.
‘There is just the question of illegal entry, which even if it has happened has been inadvertent as the border was unmarked,' he said…
The trio was detained in July 2009 when hiking in Iraq’s Kurdistan. They claim that if they crossed into Iran, it was accidental. Iran, however, has pressed spying charges that could bring a sentence of 10 years, according to the Associated Press.
Bauer and Fattal have remained in jail after their third companion, Sarah Shourd, was released on medical concerns and $500,000 bail in September in an agreement arranged through Oman, which keeps close relations with both the West and Iran.
Iran has said that Ms. Shourd will forfeit the bail if she does not return for the trial, but Shafii says she is not expected to turn up, according to the BBC.
Observers, including the Swiss Ambassador Livia Leu Agosti who represents US interests in Iran, have been barred from today’s proceedings. Ms. Agosti told the Iranian state news agency that 'I was not invited to the court and it was my decision to come. So far the authorities have not allowed me in,' according to the AFP…
The case also highlights the power of Iran's judiciary, which is controlled directly by the nation's ruling clerics and has rejected apparent efforts by President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad to urge for some leniency. (The Christian Science Monitor – Feb. 6, 2011)

US slams Iran for jamming foreign media
The United States on Friday slammed Tehran's 'hypocrisy' in blocking international media, after the BBC said its Persian television service coverage of the protests in Egypt was being jammed in Iran.
‘The recent arrests and effort to block international media outlets underscores the hypocrisy of the Iranian leadership,' National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said.
‘For all of its empty talk about Egypt, the government of Iran should allow the Iranian people the same universal right to peacefully assemble, demonstrate and communicate in Tehran that the people are exercising in Cairo’.
BBC Persian, which is based in London, has been working with the BBC's Arabic TV service to broadcast rolling news from Egypt, and the broadcaster believes it is this coverage which has prompted the jamming which began on Thursday. (AFP- Feb. 11, 2011)

دفن پيکر شهيد راه آزادي مردم ايران زهرا بهرامي بدون اطلاع و حضور خانواده اش در سمنان
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"،پيکر جانباختۀ راه آزادي مردم ايران زهرا بهرامي در سمنان توسط مامورين وزارت اطلاعات بدون اطلاع و حضور خانواده اش به خاک سپرده شد.
روز يکشنبه 17 بهمن ماه حوالي ساعت 15:30 مامورين وزارت اطلاعات از سمنان با خانم بنفشه نايب پور فرزند خانم بهرامي تماس مي گيرند و به او اطلاع مي دهند که قصد دفن جسد مادر ش را در سمنان دارند و يکي از اعضاي خانواده مي تواند هنگام دفن حاضر باشد. در صورتي که مسافت زماني تهران به سمنان در حدود 4.5 ساعت مي باشد و اين خانواده قادر به رسيدن به آنجا نبودند. مامورين وزارت اطلاعات عملا قصد خود را مبني بر دفن مخفيانه و بدون اطلاع و حضور خانواده اش همانند ساير زندانيان سياسي که اعدام شدند به اجرا گذاشتند...
مامورين وزارت اطلاعات اين خانواده را تهديد کردند که از گرفتن مراسم رسمي در مراکز عمومي مانند مسجد و حسينيه براي شهيد راه آزادي زهرا بهرامي خوداري کنند آنها بر اين مسئله چندين بار تاکيد کردند و گفتند: که ما اعلام رسمي مي کنيم که حق گرفتن مراسم گراميداشت در مراکز عمومي را نداريد.
مامورين وزارت اطلاعات همچنين در اين مکالمۀ تلفني اين خانواده را تهديد نمودند که نبايد سفارت هلند را از دفن مخفيانه و بدون حضور خانواده اش و عدم اجازه برگزاري مجلس گراميداشت براي خانم بهرامي مطلع نمايند. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 17/11/89)

ايران دادگاه کوهنوردان آمريکايي را آغاز مي‌کند
مسعود شفيعي، وکيل ايراني 3 کوهنورد آمريکايي بازداشت شده در دفتر خود در تهران با خبرنگران رويتر صحبت مي‌کند…
مسعود شفيعي به رويتر گفت، ”من بسيار مطمئن هستم که آنها محکوم نخواهند شد، زيرا دادگاه هيچ مشروعيت قانوني ندارد. “ …
شفيعي به خبرگزاري فرانسه گفت، ”من جزئيات کامل پرونده را بررسي کرده‌ام. موضوع جاسوسي بي‌ربط است. “ …
دادرسي پشت دربهاي بسته
ناظران، از جمله ليويا لئو آگوستي (livia leu agosti ) سفير سوئيس که منافع آمريکا در ايران را نمايندگي مي‌کند، از [حضور در] دادرسي امروز منع شده‌اند. به گفته خبرگزاري فرانسه، خانم آگوستي به ايسنا گفت، ”من به دادگاه دعوت نشدم و تصميم خودم بود که بيايم. تاکنون مقامات به من اجازه ورود نداده‌اند. “ … (کريستين ساينس مانيتور- 17/11/89)

آمريکا ايران را به‌خاطر مختل کردن رسانه‌هاي خارجي به‌شدت مورد سرزنش قرار داد
روز جمعه، بعد از اين‌که بي.بي.سي گفت که بخش فارسي اين تلويزيون که به اعتراضات مصر پوشش مي‌داد، در ايران مختل مي‌شود، آمريکا، ”دورويي ”تهران را در بلوکه کردن رسانه‌هاي بين‌المللي مورد سرزنش قرار داد.
تامي ويتورvietor سخنگوي شوراي امنيت ملي گفت، ”دستگيريهاي اخير و تلاش براي بلوکه کردن رسانه‌هاي بين‌المللي، دورويي رهبري ايران را برجسته مي‌سازد ”... (برگزاري فرانسه- 22/11/89)


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