Three top clerical officials ban participation of female athletes in sporting events outside of Iran
Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani, Alavi Gorgani and Hosseini Zanjani, three Iranian clerics have announced in answer to the request of a state-run news agency that the dispatching of female athletes to compete in sporting events outside of the country is ‘unchaste’ and forbidden.
Before this, a group of hardline clerics in the Islamic Republic including Hojatol-Islam Alam Hoda, the head of Friday Prayers in Mashhad and Seyed Ahmad Khatami, the head of Friday Prayers in Tehran severely protested the sending off of Iranian women to sport competitions outside of Iran in their sermons. (Radio Farda – Feb. 5, 2011)
Mother of six jailed for giving interviews to foreign media
Fatemeh Khoramju, a 53 year old mother of six was arrested in the middle of the night on January 7, 2010 and despite having a handicapped child, is still detained until today.
She worked as a bus driver after her husband’s death to provide for her children. Khoramju was arrested by 8 male security agents and one female security agent who introduced themselves as agents of the Anti-Narcotics Organization but her main charge later changed to giving interviews to foreign TV stations and she was detained in Evin Prison.
Her greatest concern is her handicapped child who she says sometimes becomes intolerable for the other children.
Khoramju did not accept any of the charges in her interrogations. After some time she was transferred to the public cellblock from cellblock 209 and in August 2010, she was tried in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court by Judge Salavati. She was reportedly threatened by Salavati in this trial that if she did not cooperate, her children would be arrested. Three months later, she was sentenced to 5 years of prison which was confirmed by a court of review as well.
She has been detained in Evin Prison for about a year and was transferred to the Methadone Cellblock a few months ago along with other female political prisoners. (Shahrzad News – Feb. 8, 2011)
Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities
Iran arrests Sunni cleric in Tehran
According to reports, Abidollah Mosa Zadeh was arrested by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. This Sunni cleric has been living in Tehran for a few years and is the representative of Mulavi Abdolhamid in this city. He went to Zahedan last week where he stayed for a few days and was arrested for unknown reasons upon his return to Tehran. He has been taken to an unknown location. (Sunni News – Feb. 8, 2011)
Iran sentences Baha’i children rights activist to 4 years of prison
Afshin Heiratian who works for the rights of child laborers and homeless children was sentenced to four years of prison by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.
According to reports, one of his charges is writing and publishing several articles on child laborers and International Children’s Day.
Heiratian was arrested on June 3, 2010 outside the Home of Artists building and after two months of detention, was released on bail.
This Baha’i man was put under severe pressure while in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison to make televised confessions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 9, 2011)
Families fear for Baha’is jailed in Iran - Lead
Prison conditions are worsening for seven leaders of Iran's Bahai community who are staying in cramped cells with poor sanitation alongside common criminals, US-based relatives said Wednesday.
Iran drew international condemnation in 2008 for arresting leaders of the Bahai faith, which has no clergy. The religion was founded in Iran in 19th century and is anathema to the nation's Islamic clerical regime.
Relatives said the seven Bahai were each given 20 years in prison and that the sentences were later lowered to 10 years, although the reduction was made known verbally and not through any official statement.
Iraj Kamalabadi, whose sister Fariba Kamalabadi is among the seven, said the Bahai leaders were transferred last year to Gohardasht prison where violent criminals stay in lice-infested cells next to overflowing sewers.
‘I don't think that there is any light at the end of the tunnel at this point of time,' Kamalabadi said in a meeting with the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, an autonomous government body.
‘Their condition continues to deteriorate and there is no improvement so far that we have seen,' he said.
Kamal Khanjani, the brother of jailed 77-year-old Bahai leader Jamaloddin Khanjani, said that five prisoners were crammed into each cell measuring three by five meters (10 by 16 feet).
Khanjani said he was allowed to speak by telephone once with his brother and, 'because of his age and the condition of his prison, I knew his health was deteriorating’.
‘But when he was talking to me, his voice was wonderful and strong,' Khanjani said.
The relatives were optimistic on one point -- they believed the Bahai have won sympathy among prisoners through their deeds and backgrounds. Jamaloddin Khanjani is a successful businessman, while Fariba Kamalabadi is a developmental psychologist.
‘In general, the Iranian people have developed further respect and are a lot more sympathetic to their plight,' Iraj Kamalabadi said.
Iran tried the Bahai leaders on charges of spying for foreigners, spreading corruption, undermining Islam and cooperating with Israel…
The Bahai faith now has seven million followers around the world, including 300,000 in Iran -- where its members are barred from higher education and government posts.
Leonard Leo, the chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, called Iran's treatment of the Bahai community 'outrageous' and supported intensified pressure by the United States.
Leo pointed to the Iran Sanctions Act signed last year by President Barack Obama. The law takes aim at Iranians involved in human rights abuses, adding the issue to US concerns with the Islamic republic such as its nuclear program.
‘There are many other things, hopefully, that we can do in waging a broad-based campaign to stop the repression and to defend the rights of not only your family members and brethren but any other Bahais,' Leo said. (AFP – Feb. 9, 2011)
Suppressive maneuvers
Iran sets more strict social limitations for Iranians
According to the state-run Mehr News Agency, Ali Darayi, the assistant head of the Seda and Sima (Iran’s official TV station organization) announced that TV programs which teach the cooking of ‘un-Iranian’ foods will be banned from now on. A website run by the State Security Forces also reported that Mohammad Moussavipour, the Yasouj Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor said that ‘the use of music groups and orchestras in wedding celebrations, festivals in halls, homes (and other places) is still banned’. Moussavipour had announced previously that the traditional custom of ‘playing with sticks’ which is carried out in tradition wedding ceremonies with traditional musical instruments ‘has been banned due to the many social problems that it causes and if it is carried out, the offenders will be dealt with’.
The head of the Gilan State Security Forces Monitoring Department of the Public Places Organization also said that those who want to use music groups have to get warrants from the SSF Monitoring Department of the Public Places Organization. Mohammad Bahardorian also stipulated that putting cameras in the ladies section (in wedding halls) is banned and stressed that, ‘live music should not be played under any circumstances in the ladies section’. He had also announced that the staff and heads of wedding halls were banned from wearing ties and bow ties. (Eslahat News – Feb. 7, 2011)
Isfahan police attack homes and arrest 800 in satellite channel crackdown
The head of the Isfahan State Security Forces said that in a pre-planned operation to seize satellite equipment, the agents of the public security police attacked storage rooms, stores and homes, destroyed five gangs who illegally produced and distributed these goods, arrested about 800 people and seized 28,221 pieces of satellite receiver equipment.
In justifying these measures which include entering private property such as homes, where houses and storage rooms he said, ‘research has shown that people who watch satellite channels, change their way of talking, behavior and even their parties to match the commercials and movies broadcasted in these channels’. (VOA website – Feb. 7, 2011)
خشونت عليه زنان
سه مرجع تقليد، اعزام ورزشکاران زن به خارج را «حرام» اعلام کردند
آيت الله صافي گلپايگاني، علوي گرگاني و حسيني زنجاني، از مراجع تقليد ايران،در پاسخ به استفتاء يک خبرگزاري دولتي، اعزام ورزشکاران زن ايراني به رقابتهاي برون مرزي را «مخالف عفاف» و حرام اعلام کردند.
پيش از اين نيز جمعي از روحانيون تندرو در جمهوري اسلامي ايران از جمله حجت الاسلام علم الهدي امام جمعه مشهد و سيداحمد خاتمي امام جمعه تهران، در تريبون هاي نماز جمعه شديداً نسبت به اعزام ورزشکاران زن ايراني به رقابت هاي برون مرزي اعتراض کرده بودند. (راديو فردا – 16/11/89)
مادر شش فرزند در زندان اوين، به اتهام تماس با تلويزيون هاي خارجي فاطمه خرمجو
فاطمه خرمجو، 53 ساله و مادر شش فرزند، نيمه شب 17 ديماه سال 1388 دستگير شده و با وجود داشتن يک فرزند معلول، همچنان در زندان اوين نگه داري مي شود.
اين زن که پس از مرگ همسرش، به رانندگي اتوبوس در خط تهران - قم پرداخت تا خرج خود و فرزندانش را تأمين کند، توسط 8 مأمور امنيتي مرد و يک مأمور امنيتي زن، که خود را مأمور ستاد مبارزه با مواد مخدر معرفي کرده بودند، بازداشت شد و بعد اتهام اصلي اش تماس با تلويزيون هاي خارجي عنوان گرديد و روانه زندان اوين شد.
بزرگ ترين نگراني اين مادر در زندان، فرزند معلول اوست که به گفته وي، گاهي طاقت بچه هاي ديگر را مي گيرد.
فاطمه خرم جو، در اسفند 88 به همراه دخترش بازداشت شد. او در جريان بازجوييها هيچ اتهامي را نپذيرفت. پس از مدتي از بند 209 به بند عمومي زندان اوين منتقل شد و در مرداد 89، جهت رسيدگي به اتهاماتش به شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي انتقال يافت. گفته مي شود که وي در اين دادگاه از سوي قاضي صلواتي تهديد شده است كه در صورت عدم همكاري، فرزندانش بازداشت خواهند شد. سه ماه بعد وي در جلسه دوم دادگاه به 5 سال زندان محکوم و اين حکم در دادگاه تجديد نظر نيز تأييد شد.
فاطمه خرم جو حدود يكسال است كه در زندان اوين به سر مي برد و در ماههاي گذشته، به همراه ساير زندانيان سياسي زن، به بند متادون منتقل شده است. (شهرزاد نيوز – 19/11/89)
نقض حقوق اقليتهاي مذهبي و قومي
بازداشت يکي ديگر از علماي اهل سنت در تهران مولوي عبيدالله موسي زاده
بنابر گزارش هاي رسيده مولوي عبيدالله موسي زاده توسط نيروهاي وزارت اطلاعات بازداشت شد. مولوي عبيدالله موسي زاده چند سال است در تهران زندگي مي كنند و در واقع يكي از نمايندگان مولوي عبدالحميد در اين شهر است. هفته پيش ايشان به شهر زاهدان سفر كردند و مدتي را در زاهدان گذراندند كه پس از بازگشت به تهران به دلايل نامعلومي توسط نيروهاي رژيم بازداشت شدند. (سني نيوز – 19/11/89)
محکوميت افشين حيرتيان، فعال حقوق کودکان به ۴ سال حبس تعزيري
خبرگزاري هرانا - افشين حيرتيان، فعال حقوق کودکان کار و خيابان، از سوي دادگاه انقلاب تهران به تحمل ۴ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران، يکي از اتهامات افشين حيرتيان، نوشتن و چاپ چند مقاله در رابطه با کودکان کار و روز جهاني کودک بوده است.
افشين حيرتيان که در روز ۱۳ خردادماه در پارک مقابل خانه هنرمندان بازداشت شده بود پس از قريب به دو ماه بازداشت موقت، به قيد وثيقه از زندان آزاد شد.
اين شهروند بهايي، در طي دوران بازداشت در بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوين به منظور اخذ اعترافات تلوزيوني به شدت تحت فشار قرار داشت. (هرانا – 20/11/89)
خانوادهها نگران بهاييهاي زنداني در ايران هستند
خانوادههاي مستقر در آمريکا روز چهارشنبه گفتند، شرايط زندان براي 7 رهبر جامعه بهايي ايران که در وضعيت بدي در سلولهاي تنگ در کنار مجرمين عادي بهسر ميبرند رو به وخامت است.
دستگيري رهبران دين بهائيت توسط ايران در سال 2008، که هيچ روحاني ندارند، به محکوميت بينالمللي منجر شد…
خويشاوندان گفتند که اين 7 بهايي هر يک 20سال زندان گرفتهاند و اينکه اين احکام بعدتر به 10سال کاهش يافتند، گرچه اين کاهش شفاهاً گفته شد و نه از طريق يک بيانيه رسمي…
ايرج کمال عبادي [که خواهرش از جمله زندانيان است] در ملاقاتي با کميسيون آزادي مذاهب بينالمللي آمريکا، يک ارگان دولتي خودمختار گفت، ”من فکر نميکنم در اين لحظه در انتهاي اين تونل روشنايي وجود داشته باشد. “
او گفت، ”وضعيت آنها همچنان وخيمتر ميشود و تا جايي که ما ديديم هيچ بهبودي وجود نداشته است. “
کمال خنجري، برادر جمالالدين خنجري، يک رهبر بهايي 77ساله که در زندان بهسر ميبرد گفت، 5 زنداني در سلولي به ابعاد 3 در 5 متر چپانده شدهاند… (خبرگزاري فرانسه 20/11/89)
مانورهاي سركوبگرانه
اعلام محدوديت هاي جديد اجتماعي در جمهوري اسلامي
خبرگزاري مهر گزارش داد که علي دارابي، معاون سيماي سازمان صدا و سيما، روز شنبه به هنگام ديدار از شبکه جام جم، اعلام کرد که آموزش تهيه غذاهاي «غير ايراني» در تلويزيون از اين پس، ممنوع است. همچنين سايت نيروي انتظامي گزارش داد که محمد موسويپور، دادستان عمومي و انقلاب ياسوج، گفته است: «همچنان استفاده از گروههاي موسيقي و ارکستر در عروسيها و جشنها در تالار، منزل، بهون، چادر و کپر در شهر و روستا ممنوع است». محمد موسيپور پيش از اين هم اعلام کرده بود که رسم سنتي چوب بازي در آيينهاي عروسي استان که همراه با ساز و دهل اجرا ميشود، بهدليل «بروز مشکلات فراوان اجتماعي ممنوع است و در صورت مشاهده با افراد برخورد قانوني ميشود». اين اظهارات در حالي بيان ميشود که رئيس اداره نظارت بر اماکن عموميفرماندهي انتظامي گيلان نيز در اقدام مشابهي اجراي هرگونه موسيقي و برنامههاي هنري را مشروط به اخذ مجوز از اداره نظارت بر اماکن عمومي ناجا دانسته بود. محمد بهادريان با اشاره به اينکه نصب دوربين در بخش بانوان ممنوع است، تاکيد کرده بود: «موسيقي زنده در تالارهاي عروسي به هيچ عنوان در بخش بانوان نبايد اجرا شود». وي همچنين اعلام کرده بود، استفاده از کراوات و پاپيون براي کارکنان و مديران تالارهاي عروسي ممنوع است. (اصلاحات نيوز - 18/11/89)
حمله پليس امنيت اصفهان به اماکن خصوصي براي مقابله با ماهواره
سردار حسن کرميفرمانده نيروي انتظامي استان اصفهان ميگويد، ماموران پليس امنيت عمومي طي يک عمليات طراحي شده براي جمعآوري تجهيزات ماهوارهاي به انبارها، فروشگاهها و خانههاي مردم حملهور شده و با نابودي پنج باند ساخت و پخش زيرزميني اين کالاها، دستگيري حدود هشتصد نفر، ۲۸ هزارو ۲۲۱ قطعه تجهيزات دريافت از ماهواره را نيز مصادره کردهاند.
فرمانده نيروي انتظامي استان اصفهان در توجيه اقدام خود که شامل ورود به اماکن خصوصي مردم از جمله خانههاي شخصي، کارگاههاي توليدي و انبارهاي توزيع مردم ميشود، گفت: تحقيقات نشان داده افرادي که به تماشاي شبکههاي ماهواره مينشينند، نوع گفتار، رفتار و حتي ميهمانيهاي خود را براساس تبليغات و فيلمهاي اين شبکهها تنظيم ميکنند. (سايت صداي آمريکا- 18/11/89)
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