Fire Festival detainees under severe torture Iran

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
According to reports, several people were arrested on Charshambeh Soori (Fire Festival) when the festival turned into protests against the Iranian regime.
On the evening of March 15, security forces attacked young people on the streets and arrested a number of them. More than 25 people were arrested in Block 1 in the Andishe region in Karaj. The detainees were immediately taken to Police Station number 1 in Andisheh. They were violently beaten with batons and other tools.
In this police station, one of the detainees identified as Davoud Zarabi, 30, was taken to a hospital because of his injuries from the beatings. He was taken to the hospital in a critical condition with a bloody face and head.

کشته شدن يک کولبر در سردشت به دست نيروهاي انتظامي
در پي تيراندازي نيروهاي انتظامي به شهروندان کولبر در سردشت، يک تن جان خود را از دست مي‌دهد.
آژانس خبري فرات نيوز در خبري اعلام کرد که روز جمعه مورخ ۲۰ اسفندماه در يکي ار مناطق مرزي شهرستان سردشت نيروهاي انتظامي تعدادي از شهروندان مرزنشين کرد (کولبران) را به ظن حمل کالاي خارجي به گلوله مي‌بندند؛ که بر اثر آن يک شهروند کرد به نام "محمد يوسف‌زاده" به شدت زخمي مي‌شود.
گفته مي شود به دليل شدت جراحات اين شهروند کرد در حين انتقال به بيمارستان شهر مهاباد جان خويش را از دست مي‌دهد. (هرانا – 24/12/89)


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