Nedaye Sabze Azadi Website
There have been measures taken in various cities in Iran to deal with women that they (government) deem to be “improperly” veiled and it seem that officials intend to deal with those who not dress according to their taste as they did in the past few years.
The Mashhad Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor has requested from all managers, offices, organizations and state run companies in a letter sent to all government offices in this city to firmly deal with improperly veiled women. In this official letter which was signed by Mahmoud Zoqi, the Mashhad Public Prosecutor, it was stated that not wearing a veil is a ‘public display of corruption’.
He also stressed in this letter that appearing in public without proper hijab is considered a crime and according to the law, the offender will be sentenced to prison or a fine
There have been measures taken in various cities in Iran to deal with women that they (government) deem to be “improperly” veiled and it seem that officials intend to deal with those who not dress according to their taste as they did in the past few years.
The Mashhad Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor has requested from all managers, offices, organizations and state run companies in a letter sent to all government offices in this city to firmly deal with improperly veiled women. In this official letter which was signed by Mahmoud Zoqi, the Mashhad Public Prosecutor, it was stated that not wearing a veil is a ‘public display of corruption’.
He also stressed in this letter that appearing in public without proper hijab is considered a crime and according to the law, the offender will be sentenced to prison or a fine
نامه دادستان مشهد به همه ادارات اين شهر براي برخورد با زنان بدحجاب
در ادامه بحثهاي متعددي که اين روزها درباره برخورد با بدحجابي مطرح شده است تحرکاتي بسار جدي در برخي شهرهاى ايران براى برخورد با زناني که از آنها تعبير به بدحجاب مىشود در حال اجرا است و به نظر ميرسد همچون سالهاي گذشته مسولان انتظامي قصد دارند با کساني که مطابق با نظر و سليقه اين مسوولان لباس نمي پوشند برخورد کنند.
دادستان عمومي و انقلاب شهر مشهد طي نامهاي به همه ادارههاي دولتي اين شهر از همه مديران، ادارات، سازمانها، شرکتهاي دولتي و وابسته به دولت خواسته تا دربرخورد قاطع با زنان بدحجاب بکوشند. در اين نامه رسمي که به امضاي محمود ذوقي، دادستان عمومي و انقلاب مشهد رسيده از بيحجابي زنان بهعنوان يکي از مظاهر علني فساد ياد شده است.
آنها در اين نامه اداري تاکيد کردهاند که زناني که بدون حجاب شرعي در معابر حاضر ميشوند مجرم محسوب و طبق قانون به مجازات حبس يا جزاي نقدي محکوم ميشوند... (سايت نداى سبز - 29/2/89)
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