Daneshju News
After the suspicious burnt Quran incident in Yasouj University on December 5, four students in this university who were arrested after this incident are still in detention.
On December 5, one day before Student Day ceremonies, a number of burnt Qurans were distributed in student dormitories which led to severe security measures in the Yasouj University.
There are no reports on the elements behind this suspicious measure and only a number of innocent students were arrested to satisfy public opinion…
One month after this incident, the detained students are still under severe mental and physical torture in Intelligence Agency Detention Centers. Security and judicial institutions have said that they are not informed about the whereabouts of these students when asked by their families about their whereabouts and security forces even arrested the family members of the one of the detainees after they protested and there is still no information on their whereabouts. There are speculations that the detainees were transferred to the Central Intelligence Agency in Tehran. The names of the detained students are Marjan Alizadeh (f), Maryam Baziar (f), Sara Rahimi (f), Sahar Zeidouni (f) and Alipour.
After the suspicious burnt Quran incident in Yasouj University on December 5, four students in this university who were arrested after this incident are still in detention.
On December 5, one day before Student Day ceremonies, a number of burnt Qurans were distributed in student dormitories which led to severe security measures in the Yasouj University.
There are no reports on the elements behind this suspicious measure and only a number of innocent students were arrested to satisfy public opinion…
One month after this incident, the detained students are still under severe mental and physical torture in Intelligence Agency Detention Centers. Security and judicial institutions have said that they are not informed about the whereabouts of these students when asked by their families about their whereabouts and security forces even arrested the family members of the one of the detainees after they protested and there is still no information on their whereabouts. There are speculations that the detainees were transferred to the Central Intelligence Agency in Tehran. The names of the detained students are Marjan Alizadeh (f), Maryam Baziar (f), Sara Rahimi (f), Sahar Zeidouni (f) and Alipour.
جان پنج دانشجوي بازداشت شده دانشگاه ياسوج در خطر است
درپي واقعه مشکوک قرآن سوزي در دانشگاه ياسوج، که در تاريخ ۱۴ آذر امسال به وقوع پيوسته است، چهار تن از دانشجويان اين دانشگاه کماکان در بازداشت به سر مي برند.
به گزارش دانشجونيوز، در تاريخ ۱۴ آذر ماه امسال و دو روز مانده به برگزاري مراسم ۱۶ آذر، در حرکتي مشکوک تعدادي قرآن سوخته در خوابگاه هاي دانشجويي توزيع گرديد و موجبات استقرار فضاي امنيتي و پادگاني را در دانشگاه ياسوج فراهم آورد.
بنابرگزارشات ارسالي، از عوامل اين حرکت مشکوک تا کنون خبري به دست نيامده است و تنها تعدادي از دانشجويان بي گناه اين دانشگاه به منظور توجيه افکار عمومي دانشگاه بازداشت شده اند...
پس از قريب گذشت يک ماه از اين رويداد، دانشجويان بازداشتي در بازداشتگاه هاي اطلاعات مورد بازجويي و شکنجه هاي رواني و جسمي شديد قرار گرفته اند. پس از مراجعه ي خانواده هايشان به نهاد هاي امنيتي و قضائي، اين نهاد ها از محل نگهداري اين دانشجويان اظهار بي اطلاعي کرده اند و حتي پس از اعتراض اعضا خانواده يکي از بازداشت شدگان، آنان را بازداشت کرده اند و از محل نگهداري ايشان نيز تاکنون هيچ اطلاعي به دست نيامده است. گمانه زني مي شود که در حال حاضر بازداشت شدگان به اطلاعات مرکزي در تهران منتقل شده اند. اسامي دانشجويان بازداشت شده بدين قرار است: مرجان عليزاده و مريم بازيار(دانشجويان رشته زبان انگليسي)، سارا رحيمي، سحر زيدوني و علي پور (دانشجويان دانشکده فني) (دانشجو نيوز – 15/10/89)
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