Rooz On Line
Meisam Ebadi, was the first victim of post election events who was fatally shot on June 13, 2009. His father said that his teenage son’s murderer was a Bassij member (paramilitary forces of the Iranian regime) who was initially arrested and it was determined that the bullet was shot from his gun. This Bassij member was later released and it was announced that he was not the murderer.
According to his father, Meisam was going to help a girl who was being beaten by Bassij forces and died after he was shot in the stomach.
Asghar Ebadi, the father of this 16 year old boy says that he wants the murderer of his son to be introduced but no one answers his demands

قاتل پسرم بسيجي بود
ميثم عبادي، اولين شهيد جنبش سبز است که روز 23 خرداد بر اثر اصابت گلوله جان باخت. پدر اين نوجوان به "روز" مي گويد قاتل فرزندش از نيروهاي بسيجي بود که ابتدا بازداشت و مشخص شد گلوله از اسلحه او شليک شده است اما بعد آزاد شد و گفتند او قاتل نبوده است.
ميثم عبادي به گفته پدرش، براي کمک به دختري که از سوي نيروهاي بسيجي مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفته بود وارد شد اما با شليک گلوله اي بر شکمش به شهادت رسيد.
اصغر عبادي، پدر اين نوجوان که تنها 16 سال و سه ماه داشت به "روز" مي گويد خواهان معرفي قاتل فرزندش است اما هيچ جا پاسخي به او نمي دهند. (روز آنلاين – 12/4/89)


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