Committee of Human Rights Reporters
According to the family of Mohammad-Reza Haddadi, a juvenile offender who was arrested on charges of murder when he was 15-years-old, his death sentence will be carried out on Wednesday July 7.
His family said that it was stated in a summons they received that Mohammad-Reza will be executed on Wednesday.
Mohammad-Reza Haddadi is a juvenile death row prisoner who was born in March 17, 1988 and was 15 years old upon his arrest. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – July 4, 2010)
Mohammad Reza Haddadi was sentenced to death in 2004 for a murder which took place when he was 15. His death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court in July 2005. Mohammed Reza Haddadi initially confessed to the murder, but retracted the confession during his trial, saying he had claimed responsibility for the killing only because his two co-defendants had offered to give his family money if he did so. His co-defendants later supported Mohammad Reza Haddadi's claims of innocence, and withdrew their testimony that had implicated him. They were both over 18 at the time of the crime and received prison sentences. He was first scheduled for execution in October 2008, but it was stayed on the order of the Head of the Judiciary. His execution was then scheduled again on 27 May 2009 and 16 July 2009. (Amnesty International- Dec. 8, 2009)
Iran court sentences innocent man to death on charges of sodomy
The sentence for four young men in Tabriz which was brought up with the false complaints of Hojat F. was issued for the third time.
(Human rights lawyer) Mohammad Mostafayi said in this regard, “In this case, for which I accepted carrying out the defense for the four defendants on August 2, 2008, the judges of the 12th branch of the Penal Court in Eastern Azarbaijan cleared three of the defendants of the charge of sodomy and sentenced the other defendant, Ibrahim H. to death on this charge. The three defendants were sentenced to death on this charge before this by the second branch of the Penal Court in Eastern Azarbaijan”.
“This is an example of a case in which the defendants have been sentenced to death without committing a crime. But after numerous court sessions, three people were acquitted and one person, whom I am sure is innocent, has been sentenced to death”, he added.
In July 20, 2008, four judges of the second branch of the Penal Court in Eastern Azarbaijan by the names of Bahloul Alizadeh, Aziz Amn Elahi, Nabiollah Jafarzadeh and Ayoub Behnam issued death sentences for Hamid Taqi, Ibrahim Hamidi, Mehdi Pouran (17) and Mohammad Rezayi on charges of sodomy without considering their defense and by citing the ‘knowledge of the judge’. One of the judges, Ahad Kazemi, ruled that the defendants were innocent…
According to their lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi, this is while there are numerous reasons in the case which proves the innocence of all the defendants. These reasons were taken into consideration by judges Davoud Hadizad and Rajab Jafi and they ruled that all the defendants should be acquitted while three other judges who formed the majority by the names of Ali Amini, Ismail Vahdat and Seyed Hamid Moussavi issued a death sentence for Ibrahim Hamidi.
After the sentence was issued, the plaintiff who had deceived the judges for more than two years leading to the death sentence for these four young men, ceased his lying and on June 24, 2010 wrote a letter to the judges of 12th branch of the Penal Court announcing that his complaint was made because of pressure by his mother and father and that it was all a misunderstanding. He stipulated that Ibrahim Hamidi had in no way raped him
According to the family of Mohammad-Reza Haddadi, a juvenile offender who was arrested on charges of murder when he was 15-years-old, his death sentence will be carried out on Wednesday July 7.
His family said that it was stated in a summons they received that Mohammad-Reza will be executed on Wednesday.
Mohammad-Reza Haddadi is a juvenile death row prisoner who was born in March 17, 1988 and was 15 years old upon his arrest. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – July 4, 2010)
Mohammad Reza Haddadi was sentenced to death in 2004 for a murder which took place when he was 15. His death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court in July 2005. Mohammed Reza Haddadi initially confessed to the murder, but retracted the confession during his trial, saying he had claimed responsibility for the killing only because his two co-defendants had offered to give his family money if he did so. His co-defendants later supported Mohammad Reza Haddadi's claims of innocence, and withdrew their testimony that had implicated him. They were both over 18 at the time of the crime and received prison sentences. He was first scheduled for execution in October 2008, but it was stayed on the order of the Head of the Judiciary. His execution was then scheduled again on 27 May 2009 and 16 July 2009. (Amnesty International- Dec. 8, 2009)
Iran court sentences innocent man to death on charges of sodomy
The sentence for four young men in Tabriz which was brought up with the false complaints of Hojat F. was issued for the third time.
(Human rights lawyer) Mohammad Mostafayi said in this regard, “In this case, for which I accepted carrying out the defense for the four defendants on August 2, 2008, the judges of the 12th branch of the Penal Court in Eastern Azarbaijan cleared three of the defendants of the charge of sodomy and sentenced the other defendant, Ibrahim H. to death on this charge. The three defendants were sentenced to death on this charge before this by the second branch of the Penal Court in Eastern Azarbaijan”.
“This is an example of a case in which the defendants have been sentenced to death without committing a crime. But after numerous court sessions, three people were acquitted and one person, whom I am sure is innocent, has been sentenced to death”, he added.
In July 20, 2008, four judges of the second branch of the Penal Court in Eastern Azarbaijan by the names of Bahloul Alizadeh, Aziz Amn Elahi, Nabiollah Jafarzadeh and Ayoub Behnam issued death sentences for Hamid Taqi, Ibrahim Hamidi, Mehdi Pouran (17) and Mohammad Rezayi on charges of sodomy without considering their defense and by citing the ‘knowledge of the judge’. One of the judges, Ahad Kazemi, ruled that the defendants were innocent…
According to their lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi, this is while there are numerous reasons in the case which proves the innocence of all the defendants. These reasons were taken into consideration by judges Davoud Hadizad and Rajab Jafi and they ruled that all the defendants should be acquitted while three other judges who formed the majority by the names of Ali Amini, Ismail Vahdat and Seyed Hamid Moussavi issued a death sentence for Ibrahim Hamidi.
After the sentence was issued, the plaintiff who had deceived the judges for more than two years leading to the death sentence for these four young men, ceased his lying and on June 24, 2010 wrote a letter to the judges of 12th branch of the Penal Court announcing that his complaint was made because of pressure by his mother and father and that it was all a misunderstanding. He stipulated that Ibrahim Hamidi had in no way raped him
محمدرضا حدادي، چهارشنبه اعدام ميشود
بنابر اعلام خانواده محمدرضا حدادي، نوجواني که به اتهام ارتکاب قتل در 15 سالگي دستگير شده بود، حکم اعدام وي روز چهارشنبه، 16 تيرماه اجرا خواهد شد.
خانواده اين نوجوان محکوم به اعدام ابراز داشتند که احضاريهاي براي روز چهارشنبه به دست آنان رسيده و در آن قيد شده که محمدرضا، روز چهارشنبه اعدام خواهد شد.
به گزارش کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر، محمدرضا حدادي نوجوان محکوم به اعدام متولد 27 اسفند 1366 است و در زمان دستگيري ۱۵ ساله بوده است.. (کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 13/4/89)
سوابق امر:
محمد رضا حدادي در سال 2004 بخاطر يك قتل در زماني كه وي تنها 15 سال داشت به مرگ محكوم شد. حكم مرگ او توسط دادگاه عالي در ژوئيه 2005 مورد تاييد قرار گرفت.
محمد رضا حدادي در ابتداي امر به قتل اعتراف كرد ولي در خلال محاكمه اش اين را پس گرفت و گفت كه او مسئوليت قتل را به اين خاطر بعهده گرفته بود زيرا كه دو متهم ديگر كه شريك در اين قتل بودند به وي گفته بودند كه اگر او اين كار را بكند به خانواده اش پول خواهند داد. متهمين ديگر در اين پرونده بعدا ادعاهاي بي گناهي محمد رضا حدادي را حمايت كردند و شهادت هاي خود را كه بر عليه او بود پس گرفتند. آنها هر دو در زمان ارتكاب جنايت بالاي 18 سال سن داشتند و محكوميت هاي زندان گرفتند.
وي نخست قرار بود كه در اكتبر 2008 اعدام شود اما در آن زمان بخاطر دستور رئيس قوه قضاييه اعدامش متوقف شد. مجددا وي قرار بود كه در تاريخ هاي 27 مه و 16 ژوئيه 2009 اعدام شود. (عفو بين الملل - 17/9/88)
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