Human Rights and democracy Activists in Iran

On Sunday, July 4, Maryam Zia, a children and women’s rights activist was summoned to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court and was tried by Mohammad Moqiseh who was a member of the death commission responsible for the execution of political prisoners in the 1988 massacre. The trial was held despite the fact that the representative of the prosecutor was not present.
Her trial started at about 9:30 am. Moqiseh mistreated her much like intelligence interrogators and raised his voice to make threats and verbally abuse her.
“You are a Monafeq (literally meaning hypocrite used for members and supporters of the PMOI by the regime)”, Mohammad Moqiseh told her in the end. “You should have been executed”.
This children and women’s rights activist was trialed on charges of ‘spreading propaganda against the government’.
Maryam Zia is suffering from physical ailments which she developed in her time in prison and is currently being treated by a specialist.

مقيسه اي خطاب به فعال کودکان و زنان: تو بايد اعدام مي شدي
يکشنبه 13 تيرماه خانم مريم ضياء فعال حقوق کودکان و زنان به شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب فرا خوانده شد و توسط فردي بنام محمد مقيسه اي ازاعضاي کمسيون قتل عام زندانيان سياسي سال 1367 مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت. عليرغم اينکه نماينده دادستان حضور نداشت ولي دادگاه تشکيل شد.
دادگاه او حوالي ساعت 09:30 شروع شد.رفتارهاي مقيسه اي همانند بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات بود و دائم با داد و فرياد و تهديد و توهين همراه بود. محمد مقيسه اي در ادامۀ داد و فريادها و توهين ها خطاب به خانم ضياء گفت :"تو منافقي،تو بايد اعدام مي شدي" و با برخوردهاي غير انساني ديگري همراه بود...
اين فعال کودکان و زنان بر مبناي ماده 500 به اتهام واهي تبليغ عليه نظام مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت.
خانم مريم ضياء در اثر شکنجه هاي روحي که در طي مدت بازداشت با آن مواجه بود دچار ناراحتي جسمي شده است و تحت درمان پزشکان متخصص مي باشد. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 16/4/89)


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