Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners
Khaled Hardani, a political prisoner in Rajayi Shahr Prison in is critical condition because of his numerous illnesses and gastric hemorrhage and security and judicial officials refuse to treat him in hospital.
Hardani was sent to Rajayi Shahr Prison from Evin in 2006 for the second time. He is sentenced to life in prison on charges of disrupting the security of a flight plane, seven years of prison for political activities in prison, 5 months of prison for disrupting the prison order and insulting prison officials and six years of exile to Khash.
After 3,500 days of prison, Khaled Hardani has been denied the basic rights of a prisoner despite his urgent need for medical treatment.
Khaled Hardani, a political prisoner in Rajayi Shahr Prison in is critical condition because of his numerous illnesses and gastric hemorrhage and security and judicial officials refuse to treat him in hospital.
Hardani was sent to Rajayi Shahr Prison from Evin in 2006 for the second time. He is sentenced to life in prison on charges of disrupting the security of a flight plane, seven years of prison for political activities in prison, 5 months of prison for disrupting the prison order and insulting prison officials and six years of exile to Khash.
After 3,500 days of prison, Khaled Hardani has been denied the basic rights of a prisoner despite his urgent need for medical treatment.
جلوگيري از درمان فوري خالد هرداني پس از ۳۵۰۰ روز حبس
خالد هرداني، زنداني سياسي محبوس در زندان رجائي شهر کرج، به دليل بيماري هاي متعدد و خونريزي معده در شرايط خطرناکي به سر مي برد و مقامات امنيتي و قضائي از درمان او در بيمارستان جلوگيري مي کنند.
هرداني در سال ۱۳۸۵ براي بار دوم از زندان اوين به زندان رجائي شهر کرج تبعيد شده است. او داراي حبس ابد به اتهام اخلال در امنيت پرواز است و ۷ سال زندان به دليل فعاليت سياسي در داخل زندان، ۵ ماه زندان براي اخلال در نظم زندان و توهين به مقامات زندان، و ۶ سال تبعيد به خاش را در پرونده خود دارد.
پس از ۳۵۰۰ روز زندان، خالد هرداني اينک به مداواي فوري نياز دارد و مقامات قضائي او را از حقوق اوليه يک زنداني محروم کرده اند. (کميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 15/4/89)
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