Imminent risk of execution

Amnesty International

Iran's Supreme Court has rejected Ja'far Kazemi's request to appeal against his death sentence. The sentence was imposed for his alleged participation in anti-government demonstrations and links with a banned organization. His sentence may be carried out at any time. Six other people with alleged links to the same organization are said to be under sentence of death.
Ja’far Kazemi was arrested on 18 September 2009 and interrogated and possibly tortured for months in Evin prison in Tehran. He was accused of participating in protests which followed the disputed outcome of Iran’s presidential election in June 2009, but was not accused of committing any violent acts; and for his alleged contact with banned OPPOSITION group the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). He was sentenced to death for “enmity against God”, and is also believed to have been convicted of “propaganda against the system”. On 26 April, he learned that his death sentence had been confirmed by an appeal court. A further appeal was apparently rejected in late July. Amnesty International is aware of six other men sentenced to death in Iran for alleged links to the PMOI.
Mohammad Ali Haj Aghaei, Ali Saremi (or Sarami), Abdolreza Ghanbari, Ahmad Daneshpour Moghaddam and Mohsen Daneshpour Moghaddam were reportedly also found guilty of “enmity against God”, possibly in the same case as Ja'far Kazemi. Information received on 4 August indicated that another man, Javad Lari, a merchant in the Tehran bazaar, had been sentenced to “death, without pardon” for “enmity against God.” He is also held in Evin prison, where he was reportedly tortured and forced to ‘confess’.
Ja’far Kazemi is reported to have been interrogated by security forces for months, and was pressured to make a televised “confession”, which he refused to do. He was previously imprisoned for membership of the PMOI in the 1980s or 1990s. One of his sons is a PMOI member and lives in Camp Ashraf, which houses PMOI members in Iraq. On 1 August, his wife, Roudabeh visited the Judiciary’s office in order to deliver a letter. They refused to accept it and informed her that the death sentence would be carried out.
Tehran’s prosecutor announced on 15 May that the death sentences of Ja’far Kazemi, Mohammad Ali Haj Aghaei, Mohammad Ali Saremi (or Sarami), Abdolreza Ghanbari (or Qanbari) and father and son, Ahmad and Mohsen Daneshpour Moghaddam, were upheld by the Appeal Court after they were found guilty of “enmity against God” in relation to their alleged links to the PMOI. In some cases, these links may amount to no more than having contact with family members linked to the PMOI…
Two women, Motahareh (Simin) Bahrami and Rayhaneh Haj Ebrahim, and one other man,
Teacher Abdolreza Ghanbari, aged 42, was arrested after the demonstrations which took place in later December 2009 marking the Ashoura religious commemorations, in which he was accused of participating. Held in section 2A of Evin Prison, which is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards, he was tried on 30 January 2010 and made a “confession” which is believed to have been made under duress.
Ali Saremi (or Sarami), aged 62, has a son in the PMOI who lives in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, whom he has visited. Ali Saremi has spent 23 years in prison for his political activities both before and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran

ريسك فورى اعدام گزارش عفو بينالملل آمريكا در رابطه با زندانيان سياسى مقاومت

دادگاه عالى ايران درخواست استيناف جعفر كاظمى عليه حكم مرگش را رد كرد. اين حكم بهخاطر اينكه گفته مىشود او در تظاهراتهاى ضددولتى شركت كرده و بهخاطر ارتباط با يك سازمان ممنوعه اعمال شده. حكم او ممكن است هر لحظه اجرا شود. گفته مىشود 6 نفر ديگر نيز به اتهام رابطه با سازمان مشابه، زير اعدام هستند.
جعفر كاظمى در 18سپتامبر 2009 دستگير گرديد و براى ماهها در زندان اوين در تهران بازجويى و احتمالا شكنجه شده. او متهم به شركت در تظاهراتي است كه بهخاطر نزاع بر سر نتايج انتخابات رياست جمهورى ايران در ژوئن 2009 برگزار گرديد، اما متهم به هيچ اقدام خشونت‌آميزى نشده است؛ و بهخاطر انتساب تماس با گروه اپوزيسيون ممنوعه سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران، بهعنوان ”محاربه با خدا ”به مرگ محكوم شد، و هم‌چنين اعتقاد بر اين است كه او بهخاطر ”تبليغات عليه سيستم ”محكوم شده است. در 26آوريل، او دريافت كه حكم مرگ او توسط يك دادگاه استيناف مورد تائيد قرار گرفته است. يك استنياف ديگر ظاهرا در اواخر ژوئيه رد شده.
عفو بينالملل از [كيس] 6 مرد ديگر در ايران كه بهخاطر اينكه گفته مىشود با پى.ام.او.آى. رابطه دارند به اعدام محكوم شدهاند مظلع است…
سابقه امر
گزارش شده كه جعفر كاظمى براى ماهها توسط نيروهاى امنيتى مورد بازجويى قرار گرفته، و براى انجام يك ”اعتراف ”تلويزيونى تحت فشار قرار گرفته، كه او اينكار را رد كرد. او سابقا بهخاطر عضويت در پى.ام.او.آى. در دهه 1980 يا 1990 زندانى شد. يكى از پسران او يك عضو پى.ام.او.آى. است و در كمپ اشرف كه محل سكونت اعضاى پى.ام.او.آى. در عراق است، زندگى مىكند … .
دادستان تهران روز 15ماه مه احكام مرگ جعفركاظمى، محمد على حاج آقايى، محمدعلى صارمى، عبدالرضا قنبرى و پدر و پسر، احمد و محسن دانشپور مقدم را اعلام كرد، اين بعد از آن بود كه آنها بهخاطر رابطه اشان با پى.ام.او.آى. بهعنوان ”محارب با خدا ”مجرم شناخته شدند و دادگاه استيناف اين حكم را تائيد كرد. در بعضى از موارد، اين ارتباطات چيزى بيشتر از تماس با اعضاى خانواده مرتبط به پى. ام. او آى نبوده.
دو زن بنامهاى مطهره (سيمين) بهرامى و ريحانه حاج ابراهيم، و يك مرد ديگر، هادى قائمى حكم اعدامشان به احكام زندان تخفيف يافته است. محمد امين واليان در استيناف از ”محاربه با خدا ”تبرئه شد و حكم او به زندان و پرداخت جريمه نقدى تخفيف پيدا كرد… .
على صارمى، 62ساله، يك پسر در پى.ام.او.آى. دارد كه در كمپ اشرف در عراق زندگى مى‌كند، او به ديدار پسرش رفته بود .
على صارمى بهخاطر فعاليتهاى سياسىاش چه قبل و چه بعد از انقلاب اسلامى 1979 در ايران، 23سال را در زندان گذارنده است. (عفو بينالملل - 14/5/89)


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