The lawyer of an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery is in Turkey and has requested asylum, the UN refugee agency said Wednesday.
The lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaie, had been missing since July 24 when Iranian police went to his office to execute an arrest warrant and failed to find him.
‘He is in custody in Turkey. We have met him and he has lodged an asylum request with Turkey,' Metin Corabatir, the spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Turkey, told AFP.
‘The request will now be evaluated in cooperation with Turkish authorities,' he added.
The liberal Turkish daily Radikal reported Wednesday that Mostafaie had been detained due to a problem with his passport as he was entering Turkey. It gave no indication of when, where and how the lawyer had been detained.
Mostafaie, who is a well known human rights activist, has been representing Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, who was sentenced to death by stoning after she was found guilty of adultery.
Her sentence, which sparked an outcry in Western countries, has been temporarily halted by judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani.
The lawyer of an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery is in Turkey and has requested asylum, the UN refugee agency said Wednesday.
The lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaie, had been missing since July 24 when Iranian police went to his office to execute an arrest warrant and failed to find him.
‘He is in custody in Turkey. We have met him and he has lodged an asylum request with Turkey,' Metin Corabatir, the spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Turkey, told AFP.
‘The request will now be evaluated in cooperation with Turkish authorities,' he added.
The liberal Turkish daily Radikal reported Wednesday that Mostafaie had been detained due to a problem with his passport as he was entering Turkey. It gave no indication of when, where and how the lawyer had been detained.
Mostafaie, who is a well known human rights activist, has been representing Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, who was sentenced to death by stoning after she was found guilty of adultery.
Her sentence, which sparked an outcry in Western countries, has been temporarily halted by judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani.
وكيل پرونده سنگسار در ايران، در تركيه درخواست پناهندگى كرد
در روز چهارشنبه آژانس پناهندگان سازمان ملل اعلام كرد، وكيل زن ايرانى كه متهم به زناى محصنه شده است و حكوم او اعدام از طريق سنگسار مىباشد، در حال حاضر در تركيه است و درخواست پناهندگى كرده است.
اين وكيل، محمد مصطفايى از 24 ژوئيه تاكنون ناپديد شده است، و قتى كه پليس ايران به دفتر كار وى مراجعه كرد تا با حكم وى را بازداشت كند نتوانست وى را پيدا كنند.
متين كوراباتير ( metin corabatir ) سخنگوى كيمسارياى عالى پناهندگان سازمان ملل در تركيه به خبرگزارى فرانسه گفت: ”وى در تركيه تحت بازداشت است. ما با او ملاقات كردهايم و او از تركيه درخواست پناهندگى كرده است“.
او اضافه كرد كه: ”اينك اين درخواست با همكارى مقامات تركيه مورد ارزيابى قرار خواهد گرفت“.
روزنامه ليبرال تركيه ايى راديكال ( radikal ) روز چهارشنبه گزارش كرد، مصفايى بهخاطر مشكلاتى كه در پاسپورت او وجود داشت در حين ورود به تركيه بازداشت شد. اما هيچ اشاره اى نكرد كه، چه زمانى، كجا و چگونه اين وكيل بازداشت شده است.
مصطفايى كه يك فعال شناخته شده حقوقبشر است، وكالت سكينه محمدى آشتيانى، 43ساله، كه دو فرزند دارد و محكوم به اعدام از طرق سنگسار شده است را برعهده داشت. سكينه بعد از اين كه متهم به زنان محصنه شد محكوم به اعدام شد.
حكم اين زن كه باعث فرياد اعتراض كشورهاى غربى شده، توسط رئيس قوه قضايى صادق لاريجانى موقتاً لغو شده است. (خبرگزارى فرانسه - 13/5/89)
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