Iran Kurds buried in secret location after execution: lawyer


Iranian authorities refused to hand over the bodies of Kurdish militants executed last month to their families and buried them in a secret location, their lawyer told an OPPOSITION website on Sunday.
‘Our search shows the executed Kurds have been buried secretly and they (the authorities) refuse to disclose the burial site,' lawyer Khalil Bahramian told Rahesabz website.
‘It is about a month that the mourning families have been looking for the bodies of their dear ones and have not heard any responsible comments,' he said.
Bahramian represented Shirin Alamhouli and Farzad Kamangar, hanged in May along with two other Kurds and another man, after convicting them of armed OPPOSITION to the Islamic republic.

كردهاي ايران بعد از اعدام شدن در محل هاي سرٌي دفن شده اند
وكيل مبارزين كرد, كه ماه قبل اعدام شدند به وب سايت اپوزيسيون در روز يكشنبه گفت, مقامات ايراني از تحويل دادن اجساد به خانواده آنها خودداري ميكنند و آنها را در محلهاي سري دفن كردهاند.
خليل بهراميان وكيل دادگستري به وب سايت راهسبز گفت ” تحقيقات ما نشان ميدهد كه كردهاي اعدام شده بصورت سري دفن شدهاند و مقامات از علني كردن محل دفن خودداري ميكنند”....
خليل بهراميان وكيل شيرين علمهولي و فرزاد كمانگر بوده است كه در ماه مه همراه دو كرد و يك مرد ديگر به جرم مخالفت مسلحانه با جمهوري اسلامي اعدام شدند.... (خبرگزاري فرانسه -16 /3/89)


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