Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran Political prisoner Behrouz Javid Tehrani has been under severe physical torture since his transfer to solitary in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. This cellblock is known as the ‘Doghouse’. Unconfirmed reports say that his hands and legs have been broken and his body is injured and bruised.
Tehrani was also taken to the torture cell which was set up by the head of cellblock 1, Hassan Akharian, a number of times in the past. Akharian and a number of other prison guards tortured Tehrani after shackling and blindfolding him. There are security cameras in all prison cells, but this particular cell does not have a camera.
An intelligence agent interrogator was also in the room when Tehran was being tortured
Tehrani was also taken to the torture cell which was set up by the head of cellblock 1, Hassan Akharian, a number of times in the past. Akharian and a number of other prison guards tortured Tehrani after shackling and blindfolding him. There are security cameras in all prison cells, but this particular cell does not have a camera.
An intelligence agent interrogator was also in the room when Tehran was being tortured
جان زنداني سياسي بهروز جاويد طهراني در معرض خطر جدي قرار دارد
زنداني سياسي بهروز جاويد تهراني از زمان انتقال به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 معروف به سگدوني تحت وحشيانهترين شکنجه جسمي قرار دارد و بعضي از گزارشات تاييد نشده حاکي از آن است که در اثر اين شکنجههاي وحشيانه دستهها و پاهاي آقاي بهروز جاويد تهراني شکسته شده است و بدن او زخمي و کبود شده است.
زنداني سياسي بهروز جاويد تهراني چند بار به سلولي که محل شکنجه زندانيان است و حسن آخريان از زمان منصوب شدن او به رياست بند 1 برپا کرده است برده شد. حسن آخريان رئيس بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج پس از پابند و دستبند و چشمبند زدن به زنداني سياسي بهروز جاويد تهراني همراه با تعدادي پاسداربند او را مورد شکنجه وحشيانه جسمي قرار دادند. در تمامي سلولهاي انفرادي دوربينهاي مداربسته تعبيه شده است اما اين سلول فاقد هر گونه دوربين نظارتي است.
هنگام شکنجه جسمي بهروز جاويد تهراني يکي از بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در آنجا حضور داشته و بر شکنجههاي و حشيانه وغير انساني نظازت ميکرد. (سايت فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران -20/3/89)
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