Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
According to reports, the physical state of political prisoner Hamid Haeri has become critical. He has been on a hunger strike for close to 9 days refusing to take food and medicine in his solitary cell.
This 57 year old political prisoner went on a hunger strike on May 27 in protest to being transferred to solitary and his condition is reportedly critical. His life is in grave danger.
Interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence ordered his transfer to solitary in cellblock 240 to put pressure on him. He has been kept in solitary for 16 days.
Since his transfer, his family has not had any information on his condition. The Haeri family went to the 28rh branch of the Revolutionary Court asking for the reason behind his transfer, but a person identified as Mojtabayi who is the head of Mohammad Moqiseh’s office told them that ‘even if you bring a letter from the leader, he will not be brought out of solitary until the Intelligence Agency allows is’. Mohammad Moqiseh, known as Naserian, was a member of the Death Commission responsible for the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.
Haeri is suffering from a severe heart condition and has had two heart attacks. He also sustained injuries such as a fractured skull and a concussion in a car accident before his arrest.
This accident also left him with an injured pelvis rendering him unable to walk without crutches.
This 57 year old political prisoner was arrested on December 6, 2009 after intelligence agents raided his home and was taken to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. He was kept in solitary for 74 days under physical and psychological torture and threats by his interrogators. His interrogators threatened him that they would transfer his wife and daughter to the notorious Kahrizak Detention Center. He was then taken to cellblock 350 in Evin Prison. Haeri was recently sentenced to 15 years of prison to be served in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court.
He was also a political prisoner in the 80’s and was detained and tortured for 3 years. His interrogator in the 80’s was Mohammad Moqiseh who presided over his recent trial
According to reports, the physical state of political prisoner Hamid Haeri has become critical. He has been on a hunger strike for close to 9 days refusing to take food and medicine in his solitary cell.
This 57 year old political prisoner went on a hunger strike on May 27 in protest to being transferred to solitary and his condition is reportedly critical. His life is in grave danger.
Interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence ordered his transfer to solitary in cellblock 240 to put pressure on him. He has been kept in solitary for 16 days.
Since his transfer, his family has not had any information on his condition. The Haeri family went to the 28rh branch of the Revolutionary Court asking for the reason behind his transfer, but a person identified as Mojtabayi who is the head of Mohammad Moqiseh’s office told them that ‘even if you bring a letter from the leader, he will not be brought out of solitary until the Intelligence Agency allows is’. Mohammad Moqiseh, known as Naserian, was a member of the Death Commission responsible for the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.
Haeri is suffering from a severe heart condition and has had two heart attacks. He also sustained injuries such as a fractured skull and a concussion in a car accident before his arrest.
This accident also left him with an injured pelvis rendering him unable to walk without crutches.
This 57 year old political prisoner was arrested on December 6, 2009 after intelligence agents raided his home and was taken to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. He was kept in solitary for 74 days under physical and psychological torture and threats by his interrogators. His interrogators threatened him that they would transfer his wife and daughter to the notorious Kahrizak Detention Center. He was then taken to cellblock 350 in Evin Prison. Haeri was recently sentenced to 15 years of prison to be served in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court.
He was also a political prisoner in the 80’s and was detained and tortured for 3 years. His interrogator in the 80’s was Mohammad Moqiseh who presided over his recent trial
وضعيت جسمي يکي از زنداني سياسي در نهمين روز اعتصاب غذا به وخامت گراييده است
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" وضعيت جسمي زنداني سياسي حميد حائري رو به وخامت گراييده است او نزديک به 9 روز است که در سلولهاي انفرادي در اعتصاب غذا و دارو بسر مي برد.
زنداني سياسي حميد حائري 57 ساله از 6 خرداد ماه در اعتصاب غذا و دارو بسر مي برد وضعيت جسمي او وخيم گزارش شده است. جان او در معرض خطري جدي قرار دارد.آقاي حائري در اعتراض به انتقال بي دليل به سلولهاي انفرادي در اعتصاب غذا و دارو بسر مي برد.
بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات براي تحت فشار قرار دادن او دستور انتقال وي را به سلولها انفرادي بند 240 را صادر کرده اند. آقاي حائري 16 روز است که در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 240 بسر مي برد.
از زمان انتقال زنداني سياسي حميد حائري به سلولهاي انفرادي خانواده اش از وضعيت و شرايط او در بي خبري کامل بسر مي برند.خانواده آقاي حائري به شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب مراجعه کردند و خواستار علت انتقال به سلول انفرادي و بي اطلاع بودن از عزيزشان را جويا شوند ولي فردي به بنام مجتبي اي رئيس دفتر محمد مقيسه معروف به ناصريان از اعضاي کمسيون قتل عام زندانيان سياسي 67 با برخوردي غير انساني به آنها گفت :«حتي اگر از رهبري هم نامه بياوريد ايشان از انفرادي بيرون نميان تا زماني که اطلاعات اجازه بدن»
زنداني سياسي حميد حائري از بيماري حاد قلبي رنج مي برد و تاکنون دوبار دچار سکته قلبي شده اند همچنين در قلب او 2 استند بکار برده شده است.آقاي حائري مدت کوتاهي قبل از دستگيري در يک سانحه رانندگي دچار شکستگي جمجمه و خونريزي مغزي شده بود . او همچنين در اثر سانحه رانندگي از ناحيه لگن دچار آسيب شديد شده بود و مدتي طولاني در بخش آي .سي . يو بيمارستان بستري بودند . زمان دستگيري بشدت بيمار و به سختي قادر به حرکت بودند و فقط با کمک عصا مي توانستند راه بروند.
لازم به يادآوري است که آقاي حميد حائري در تاريخ15 آذر 1388 با يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات دستگير و به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 209 زندان اوين منتقل شد.او به مدت 74 روز در سلولهاي انفرادي بسر برد. در طي اين مدت تحت شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي و تهديدات بازجويان قرار داشت از جمله تهديدات بازجويان انتقال همسر و دختر ايشان به زندان گهريزک بود.سپس او را به بند 350 زندان اوين منتقل کردند.آقاي حائري اخيرا در شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب توسط فردي بنام محمد مقيسه اي معروف به ناصريان از اعضاي کمسيون قتل عام زندانيان سياسي 67 به 15 سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان گوهردشت کرج محکوم شده است
او از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 1360 مي باشد و به مدت 3 سال در زندان تحت شکنجه هاي وحشيانه جسمي و روحي و شرايط قرون وسطائي بسر بردند. بازجوي او در دهۀ 1360 محمد مقيسه اي که در حال حاضر رئيس شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب مي باشد بود. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 16/3/89)
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