France, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland and United States of America:
draft resolution

The Security Council,

Recalling the Statement of its President, S/PRST/2006/15, and its resolutions
1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), and 1887 (2009)
and reaffirming their provisions,

Reaffirming its commitment to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons, the need for all States Party to that Treaty to comply fully with all their
obligations, and recalling the right of States Party, in conformity with Articles I and
II of that Treaty, to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for
peaceful purposes without discrimination,

Recalling the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors (GOV/2006/14),
which states that a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to global
non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of
weapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery,

Noting with serious concern that, as confirmed by the reports of 27 February
2006 (GOV/2006/15), 8 June 2006 (GOV/2006/38), 31 August 2006
(GOV/2006/53), 14 November 2006 (GOV/2006/64), 22 February 2007
(GOV/2007/8), 23 May 2007 (GOV/2007/122), 30 August 2007 (GOV/2007/48),
15 November 2007 (GOV/2007/58), 22 February 2008 (GOV/2008/4), 26 May 2008
(GOV/2008/115), 15 September 2008 (GOV/2008/38), 19 November 2008
(GOV/2008/59), 19 February 2009 (GOV/2009/8), 5 June 2009 (GOV/2009/35),
28 August 2009 (GOV/2009/55), 16 November 2009 (GOV/2009/74), 18 February
2010 (GOV/2010/10) and 31 May 2010 (GOV/2010/28) of the Director General of
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has not established full and
sustained suspension of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and heavy
water-related projects as set out in resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747
(2007) and 1803 (2008) nor resumed its cooperation with the IAEA under the
Additional Protocol, nor cooperated with the IAEA in connection with the remaining
issues of concern, which need to be clarified to exclude the possibility of military
dimensions of Iran’s nuclear programme, nor taken the other steps required by the
IAEA Board of Governors, nor complied with the provisions of Security Council
resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) and 1803 (2008) and which are
essential to build confidence, and deploring Iran’s refusal to take these steps,

Reaffirming that outstanding issues can be best resolved and confidence built
in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme by Iran responding
positively to all the calls which the Council and the IAEA Board of Governors have
made on Iran,

Noting with serious concern the role of elements of the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps (IRGC, also known as “Army of the Guardians of the Islamic
Revolution”), including those specified in Annex D and E of resolution 1737 (2006),
Annex I of resolution 1747 (2007) and Annex II of this resolution, in Iran’s
proliferation sensitive nuclear activities and the development of nuclear weapon
delivery systems,

Noting with serious concern that Iran has constructed an enrichment facility at
Qom in breach of its obligations to suspend all enrichment-related activities, and
that Iran failed to notify it to the IAEA until September 2009, which is inconsistent
with its obligations under the Subsidiary Arrangements to its Safeguards Agreement,

Also noting the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors (GOV/2009/82),
which urges Iran to suspend immediately construction at Qom, and to clarify the
facility’s purpose, chronology of design and construction, and calls upon Iran to
confirm, as requested by the IAEA, that it has not taken a decision to construct, or
authorize construction of, any other nuclear facility which has as yet not been
declared to the IAEA,

Noting with serious concern that Iran has enriched uranium to 20 per cent, and
did so without notifying the IAEA with sufficient time for it to adjust the existing
safeguards procedures,

Noting with concern that Iran has taken issue with the IAEA’s right to verify
design information which had been provided by Iran pursuant to the modified
Code 3.1, and emphasizing that in accordance with Article 39 of Iran’s Safeguards
Agreement Code 3.1 cannot be modified nor suspended unilaterally and that the
IAEA’s right to verify design information provided to it is a continuing right, which
is not dependent on the stage of construction of, or the presence of nuclear material
at, a facility,

Reiterating its determination to reinforce the authority of the IAEA, strongly
supporting the role of the IAEA Board of Governors, and commending the IAEA for
its efforts to resolve outstanding issues relating to Iran’s nuclear programme,

Expressing the conviction that the suspension set out in paragraph 2 of
resolution 1737 (2006) as well as full, verified Iranian compliance with the
requirements set out by the IAEA Board of Governors would contribute to a
diplomatic, negotiated solution that guarantees Iran’s nuclear programme is for
exclusively peaceful purposes,

Emphasizing the importance of political and diplomatic efforts to find a
negotiated solution guaranteeing that Iran’s nuclear programme is exclusively for
peaceful purposes and noting in this regard the efforts of Turkey and Brazil towards
an agreement with Iran on the Tehran Research Reactor that could serve as a
confidence-building measure,

Emphasizing also, however, in the context of these efforts, the importance of
Iran addressing the core issues related to its nuclear programme,

Stressing that China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United
Kingdom and the United States are willing to take further concrete measures on
exploring an overall strategy of resolving the Iranian nuclear issue through
negotiation on the basis of their June 2006 proposals (S/2006/521) and their June
2008 proposals (INFCIRC/730), and noting the confirmation by these countries that
once the confidence of the international community in the exclusively peaceful
nature of Iran’s nuclear programme is restored it will be treated in the same manner
as that of any Non-Nuclear Weapon State Party to the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,

Welcoming the guidance issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to
assist States in implementing their financial obligations under resolutions 1737
(2006) and 1803 (2008), and recalling in particular the need to exercise vigilance
over transactions involving Iranian banks, including the Central Bank of Iran, so as
to prevent such transactions contributing to proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities,
or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems,

Recognizing that access to diverse, reliable energy is critical for sustainable
growth and development, while noting the potential connection between Iran’s
revenues derived from its energy sector and the funding of Iran’s proliferation-
sensitive nuclear activities, and further noting that chemical process equipment and
materials required for the petrochemical industry have much in common with those
required for certain sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities,

Having regard to States’ rights and obligations relating to international trade,

Recalling that the law of the sea, as reflected in the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea (1982), sets out the legal framework applicable to ocean

Calling for the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty by
Iran at an early date,

Determined to give effect to its decisions by adopting appropriate measures to
persuade Iran to comply with resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007)
and 1803 (2008) and with the requirements of the IAEA, and also to constrain Iran’s
development of sensitive technologies in support of its nuclear and missile
programmes, until such time as the Security Council determines that the objectives
of these resolutions have been met,

Concerned by the proliferation risks presented by the Iranian nuclear
programme and mindful of its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United
Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security,

Stressing that nothing in this resolution compels States to take measures or
actions exceeding the scope of this resolution, including the use of force or the
threat of force,

Acting under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Affirms that Iran has so far failed to meet the requirements of the IAEA
Board of Governors and to comply with resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747
(2007) and 1803 (2008);

2. Affirms that Iran shall without further delay take the steps required by the
IAEA Board of Governors in its resolutions GOV/2006/14 and GOV/2009/82, which are essential to build confidence in the exclusively peaceful purpose of its nuclear
programme, to resolve outstanding questions and to address the serious concerns
raised by the construction of an enrichment facility at Qom in breach of
its obligations to suspend all enrichment-related activities, and, in this context,
further affirms its decision that Iran shall without delay take the steps required in
paragraph 2 of resolution 1737 (2006);

3. Reaffirms that Iran shall cooperate fully with the IAEA on all outstanding
issues, particularly those which give rise to concerns about the possible military
dimensions of the Iranian nuclear programme, including by providing access
without delay to all sites, equipment, persons and documents requested by the
IAEA, and stresses the importance of ensuring that the IAEA have all necessary
resources and authority for the fulfilment of its work in Iran;

4. Requests the Director General of the IAEA to communicate to the
Security Council all his reports on the application of safeguards in Iran;

5. Decides that Iran shall without delay comply fully and without
qualification with its IAEA Safeguards Agreement, including through the
application of modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangement to its Safeguards
Agreement, calls upon Iran to act strictly in accordance with the provisions of the
Additional Protocol to its IAEA Safeguards Agreement that it signed on
18 December 2003, calls upon Iran to ratify promptly the Additional Protocol, and
reaffirms that, in accordance with Articles 24 and 39 of Iran’s Safeguards
Agreement, Iran’s Safeguards Agreement and its Subsidiary Arrangement, including
modified Code 3.1, cannot be amended or changed unilaterally by Iran, and notes
that there is no mechanism in the Agreement for the suspension of any of the
provisions in the Subsidiary Arrangements;

6. Reaffirms that, in accordance with Iran’s obligations under previous
resolutions to suspend all reprocessing, heavy water-related and enrichment-related
activities, Iran shall not begin construction on any new uranium-enrichment,
reprocessing, or heavy water-related facility and shall discontinue any ongoing
construction of any uranium-enrichment, reprocessing, or heavy water-related

7. Decides that Iran shall not acquire an interest in any commercial activity
in another State involving uranium mining, production or use of nuclear materials
and technology as listed in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1, in particular uranium-
enrichment and reprocessing activities, all heavy-water activities or technology-
related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, and further
decides that all States shall prohibit such investment in territories under their
jurisdiction by Iran, its nationals, and entities incorporated in Iran or subject to its
jurisdiction, or by persons or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, or
by entities owned or controlled by them;

8. Decides that all States shall prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or
transfer to Iran, from or through their territories or by their nationals or individuals
subject to their jurisdiction, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, and whether or not
originating in their territories, of any battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large
calibre artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles or
missile systems as defined for the purpose of the United Nations Register on
Conventional Arms, or related materiel, including spare parts, or items as determined by the Security Council or the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1737 (2006) (“the Committee”), decides further that all States shall
prevent the provision to Iran by their nationals or from or through their territories of
technical training, financial resources or services, advice, other services or
assistance related to the supply, sale, transfer, provision, manufacture, maintenance
or use of such arms and related materiel, and, in this context, calls upon all States to
exercise vigilance and restraint over the supply, sale, transfer, provision,
manufacture and use of all other arms and related materiel;

9. Decides that Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic
missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic
missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the
transfer of technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities;

10. Decides that all States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the
entry into or transit through their territories of individuals designated in Annex C, D
and E of resolution 1737 (2006), Annex I of resolution 1747 (2007), Annexes I and
II of resolution 1803 (2008) and Annexes I and II of this resolution, or by the
Security Council or the Committee pursuant to paragraph 10 of resolution 1737
(2006), except where such entry or transit is for activities directly related to the
provision to Iran of items in subparagraphs 3(b)(i) and (ii) of resolution 1737 (2006)
in accordance with paragraph 3 of resolution 1737 (2006), underlines that nothing in
this paragraph shall oblige a State to refuse its own nationals entry into its territory,
and decides that the measures imposed in this paragraph shall not apply when the
Committee determines on a case-by-case basis that such travel is justified on the
grounds of humanitarian need, including religious obligations, or where the
Committee concludes that an exemption would otherwise further the objectives of
this resolution, including where Article XV of the IAEA Statute is engaged;

11. Decides that the measures specified in paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of
resolution 1737 (2006) shall apply also to the individuals and entities listed in
Annex I of this resolution and to any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or
at their direction, and to entities owned or controlled by them, including through
illicit means, and to any individuals and entities determined by the Council or the
Committee to have assisted designated individuals or entities in evading sanctions
of, or in violating the provisions of, resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803
(2008) or this resolution;

12. Decides that the measures specified in paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of
resolution 1737 (2006) shall apply also to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC, also known as “Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution”)
individuals and entities specified in Annex II, and to any individuals or entities
acting on their behalf or at their direction, and to entities owned or controlled by
them, including through illicit means, and calls upon all States to exercise vigilance
over those transactions involving the IRGC that could contribute to Iran’s
proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon
delivery systems;

13. Decides that for the purposes of the measures specified in paragraphs 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), the list of items in S/2006/814 shall be
superseded by the list of items in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1 and
INFCIRC/254/Rev.7/Part 2, and any further items if the State determines that they
could contribute to enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, and further
decides that for the purposes of the measures specified in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
of resolution 1737 (2006), the list of items contained in S/2006/815 shall be
superseded by the list of items contained in S/2010/263;

14. Calls upon all States to inspect, in accordance with their national
authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, in particular the law
of the sea and relevant international civil aviation agreements, all cargo to and from
Iran, in their territory, including seaports and airports, if the State concerned has
information that provides reasonable grounds to believe the cargo contains items the
supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of
resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of
resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution, for the purpose of
ensuring strict implementation of those provisions;

15. Notes that States, consistent with international law, in particular the law
of the sea, may request inspections of vessels on the high seas with the consent of
the flag State, and calls upon all States to cooperate in such inspections if there is
information that provides reasonable grounds to believe the vessel is carrying items
the supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of
resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of
resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution, for the purpose of
ensuring strict implementation of those provisions;

16. Decides to authorize all States to, and that all States shall, seize and
dispose of (such as through destruction, rendering inoperable, storage or transferring
to a State other than the originating or destination States for disposal) items the
supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of
resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of
resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution that are identified in
inspections pursuant to paragraphs 14 or 15 of this resolution, in a manner that is
not inconsistent with their obligations under applicable Security Council
resolutions, including resolution 1540 (2004), as well as any obligations of parties
to the NPT, and decides further that all States shall cooperate in such efforts;

17. Requires any State, when it undertakes an inspection pursuant to
paragraphs 14 or 15 above to submit to the Committee within five working days an
initial written report containing, in particular, explanation of the grounds for the
inspections, the results of such inspections and whether or not cooperation was
provided, and, if items prohibited for transfer are found, further requires such States
to submit to the Committee, at a later stage, a subsequent written report containing
relevant details on the inspection, seizure and disposal, and relevant details of the
transfer, including a description of the items, their origin and intended destination, if
this information is not in the initial report;

18. Decides that all States shall prohibit the provision by their nationals or
from their territory of bunkering services, such as provision of fuel or supplies, or
other servicing of vessels, to Iranian-owned or -contracted vessels, including
chartered vessels, if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to
believe they are carrying items the supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is
prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of
resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9
of this resolution, unless provision of such services is necessary for humanitarian purposes or until such time as the cargo has been inspected, and seized and disposed
of if necessary, and underlines that this paragraph is not intended to affect legal
economic activities;

19. Decides that the measures specified in paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of
resolution 1737 (2006) shall also apply to the entities of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Shipping Lines (IRISL) as specified in Annex III and to any person or entity acting
on their behalf or at their direction, and to entities owned or controlled by them,
including through illicit means, or determined by the Council or the Committee to
have assisted them in evading the sanctions of, or in violating the provisions of,
resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) or this resolution;

20. Requests all Member States to communicate to the Committee any
information available on transfers or activity by Iran Air’s cargo division or vessels
owned or operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) to other
companies that may have been undertaken in order to evade the sanctions of, or in
violation of the provisions of, resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) or
this resolution, including renaming or re-registering of aircraft, vessels or ships, and
requests the Committee to make that information widely available;

21. Calls upon all States, in addition to implementing their obligations
pursuant to resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution,
to prevent the provision of financial services, including insurance or re-insurance, or
the transfer to, through, or from their territory, or to or by their nationals or entities
organized under their laws (including branches abroad), or persons or financial
institutions in their territory, of any financial or other assets or resources if they
have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that such services,
assets or resources could contribute to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear
activities, or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, including by
freezing any financial or other assets or resources on their territories or that
hereafter come within their territories, or that are subject to their jurisdiction or that
hereafter become subject to their jurisdiction, that are related to such programmes or
activities and applying enhanced monitoring to prevent all such transactions in
accordance with their national authorities and legislation;

22. Decides that all States shall require their nationals, persons subject to
their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territory or subject to their
jurisdiction to exercise vigilance when doing business with entities incorporated in
Iran or subject to Iran’s jurisdiction, including those of the IRGC and IRISL, and
any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, and entities
owned or controlled by them, including through illicit means, if they have
information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that such business could
contribute to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of
nuclear weapon delivery systems or to violations of resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747
(2007), 1803 (2008) or this resolution;

23. Calls upon States to take appropriate measures that prohibit in their
territories the opening of new branches, subsidiaries, or representative offices of
Iranian banks, and also that prohibit Iranian banks from establishing new joint
ventures, taking an ownership interest in or establishing or maintaining
correspondent relationships with banks in their jurisdiction to prevent the provision
of financial services if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to

believe that these activities could contribute to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear
activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;

investigations, outreach, dialogue, assistance and cooperation, to be submitted to the
Council within forty-five days of the adoption of this resolution;

28. Decides that the mandate of the Committee as set out in paragraph 18 of
resolution 1737 (2006), as amended by paragraph 14 of resolution 1803 (2008),
shall also apply to the measures decided in this resolution, including to receive
reports from States submitted pursuant to paragraph 17 above;

29. Requests the Secretary-General to create for an initial period of one year,
in consultation with the Committee, a group of up to eight experts (“Panel of
Experts”), under the direction of the Committee, to carry out the following tasks:
(a) assist the Committee in carrying out its mandate as specified in paragraph 18 of
resolution 1737 (2006) and paragraph 28 of this resolution; (b) gather, examine and
analyse information from States, relevant United Nations bodies and other interested
parties regarding the implementation of the measures decided in resolutions 1737
(2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, in particular incidents of
non-compliance; (c) make recommendations on actions the Council, or the
Committee or State, may consider to improve implementation of the relevant
measures; and (d) provide to the Council an interim report on its work no later than
90 days after the Panel’s appointment, and a final report to the Council no later than
30 days prior to the termination of its mandate with its findings and

30. Urges all States, relevant United Nations bodies and other interested
parties, to cooperate fully with the Committee and the Panel of Experts, in particular
by supplying any information at their disposal on the implementation of the
measures decided in resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this
resolution, in particular incidents of non-compliance;

31. Calls upon all States to report to the Committee within 60 days of the
adoption of this resolution on the steps they have taken with a view to implementing
effectively paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 and

32. Stresses the willingness of China, France, Germany, the Russian
Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States to further enhance diplomatic
efforts to promote dialogue and consultations, including to resume dialogue with
Iran on the nuclear issue without preconditions, most recently in its meeting with
Iran in Geneva on 1 October 2009, with a view to seeking a comprehensive, long-
term and proper solution of this issue on the basis of the proposal made by China,
France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United
States on 14 June 2008, which would allow for the development of relations and
wider cooperation with Iran based on mutual respect and the establishment of
international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear
programme and, inter alia, starting formal negotiations with Iran on the basis of the
June 2008 proposal, and acknowledges with appreciation that the June 2008
proposal, as attached in Annex IV to this resolution, remains on the table;

33. Encourages the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy to continue communication with Iran in support of
political and diplomatic efforts to find a negotiated solution, including relevant
proposals by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom
and the United States with a view to create necessary conditions for resuming talks,
and encourages Iran to respond positively to such proposals;

34. Commends the Director General of the IAEA for his 21 October 2009
proposal of a draft Agreement between the IAEA and the Governments of the
Republic of France, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation for
Assistance in Securing Nuclear Fuel for a Research Reactor in Iran for the Supply of
Nuclear Fuel to the Tehran Research Reactor, regrets that Iran has not responded
constructively to the 21 October 2009 proposal, and encourages the IAEA to
continue exploring such measures to build confidence consistent with and in
furtherance of the Council’s resolutions;

35. Emphasizes the importance of all States, including Iran, taking the
necessary measures to ensure that no claim shall lie at the instance of the
Government of Iran, or of any person or entity in Iran, or of persons or entities
designated pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006) and related resolutions, or any person
claiming through or for the benefit of any such person or entity, in connection with
any contract or other transaction where its performance was prevented by reason of
the measures imposed by resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and
this resolution;

36. Requests within 90 days a report from the Director General of the IAEA
on whether Iran has established full and sustained suspension of all activities
mentioned in resolution 1737 (2006), as well as on the process of Iranian
compliance with all the steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors and with
other provisions of resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and of this
resolution, to the IAEA Board of Governors and in parallel to the Security Council
for its consideration;

37. Affirms that it shall review Iran’s actions in light of the report referred to
in paragraph 36 above, to be submitted within 90 days, and: (a) that it shall suspend
the implementation of measures if and for so long as Iran suspends all enrichment-
related and reprocessing activities, including research and development, as verified
by the IAEA, to allow for negotiations in good faith in order to reach an early and
mutually acceptable outcome; (b) that it shall terminate the measures specified in
paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 12 of resolution 1737 (2006), as well as in paragraphs 2,
4, 5, 6 and 7 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraphs 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of
resolution 1803 (2008), and in paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 21, 22, 23 and 24 above, as soon as it determines, following receipt of the report
referred to in the paragraph above, that Iran has fully complied with its obligations
under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and met the requirements of
the IAEA Board of Governors, as confirmed by the IAEA Board of Governors;
(c) that it shall, in the event that the report shows that Iran has not complied with
resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, adopt further
appropriate measures under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
Nations to persuade Iran to comply with these resolutions and the requirements of
the IAEA, and underlines that further decisions will be required should such
additional measures be necessary;

38. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Annex I

Individuals and Entities [to be circulated separately]
Annex II
IRGC Individuals and Entities [to be circulated separately]
Annex III
IRISL Entities [to be circulated separately]
Annex IV
Proposal to Iran by China, France, Germany, the Russian
Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States of America
and the European Union
Presented to the Iranian authorities on 14 June 2008 Teheran
Possible Areas of Cooperation with Iran
In order to seek a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution of the Iranian
nuclear issue consistent with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and building
further upon the proposal presented to Iran in June 2006, which remains on the
table, the elements below are proposed as topics for negotiations between China,
France, Germany, Iran, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, joined
by the High Representative of the European Union, as long as Iran verifiably
suspends its enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, pursuant to OP 15 and
OP 19(a) of UNSCR 1803. In the perspective of such negotiations, we also expect
Iran to heed the requirements of the UNSC and the IAEA. For their part, China,
France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European
Union High Representative state their readiness:
to recognize Iran’s right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy
for peaceful purposes in conformity with its NPT obligations;
to treat Iran’s nuclear programme in the same manner as that of any Non-nuclear
Weapon State Party to the NPT once international confidence in the exclusively
peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme is restored.
Nuclear Energy

– Reaffirmation of Iran’s right to nuclear energy for exclusively peaceful
purposes in conformity with its obligations under the NPT.
– Provision of technological and financial assistance necessary for Iran’s
peaceful use of nuclear energy, support for the resumption of technical
cooperation projects in Iran by the IAEA.
– Support for construction of LWR based on state-of-the-art technology.
– Support for R&D in nuclear energy as international confidence is gradually
– Provision of legally binding nuclear fuel supply guarantees.
– Cooperation with regard to management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.
– Improving the six countries’ and the EU’s relations with Iran and building up
mutual trust.
– Encouragement of direct contact and dialogue with Iran.
– Support Iran in playing an important and constructive role in international
– Promotion of dialogue and cooperation on non-proliferation, regional security
and stabilization issues.
– Work with Iran and others in the region to encourage confidence-building
measures and regional security.
– Establishment of appropriate consultation and cooperation mechanisms.
– Support for a conference on regional security issues.
– Reaffirmation that a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to
non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of
weapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery.
– Reaffirmation of the obligation under the UN Charter to refrain in their
international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner
inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations.
– Cooperation on Afghanistan, including on intensified cooperation in the fight
against drug trafficking, support for programmes on the return of Afghan
refugees to Afghanistan; cooperation on reconstruction of Afghanistan;
cooperation on guarding the Iran-Afghan border.
Steps towards the normalization of trade and economic relations, such as improving
Iran’s access to the international economy, markets and capital through practical
support for full integration into international structures, including the World Trade
Organization, and to create the framework for increased direct investment in Iran
and trade with Iran.
Energy Partnership
Steps towards the normalization of cooperation with Iran in the area of energy:
establishment of a long-term and wide-ranging strategic energy partnership between
Iran and the European Union and other willing partners, with concrete and practical
– Support for agricultural development in Iran.
Facilitation of Iran’s complete self-sufficiency in food through cooperation in
modern technology.
Environment, Infrastructure
– Civilian Projects in the field of environmental protection, infrastructure,
science and technology, and high-tech:
– Development of transport infrastructure, including international transport
– Support for modernization of Iran’s telecommunication infrastructure,
including by possible removal of relevant export restrictions.
Civil Aviation
– Civil aviation cooperation, including the possible removal of restrictions on
manufacturers exporting aircraft to Iran:
– Enabling Iran to renew its civil aviation fleet;
– Assisting Iran to ensure that Iranian aircraft meet international safety
Economic, social and human development/humanitarian issues
– Provide, as necessary, assistance to Iran’s economic and social development
and humanitarian need.
– Cooperation/technical support in education in areas of benefit to Iran:
– Supporting Iranians to take courses, placements or degrees in areas such
as civil engineering, agriculture and environmental tudies;
– Supporting partnerships between Higher Education Institutions e.g. public
health, rural livelihoods, joint scientific projects, public administration,
history and philosophy.
– Cooperation in the field of development of effective emergency response
capabilities (e.g. seismology, earthquake research, disaster control etc.).
– Cooperation within the framework of a “dialogue among civilizations”.
Implementation mechanism
– Constitution of joint monitoring groups for the implementation of a future

8ژوئن 2010ـ شوراي امنيت --بايا دآوري بيانيه رياست خود

S/PRST/2006/15 و قطعنامه هاي 1969 (2006) و 1737 ( 2006) و 1747(2007) و 1803(2008) و 1835 (2008) و 1887(2009) و تاييد مجدد مقررات آنها.
با تاكيد مجدد بر تعهدات مربوط به پيمان منع تكثير تسليحات اتمي, ضرورت اين كه تمامي كشورهاي عضو پيمان نامه, از آن پيمان با تمامي تعهداتشان بطور كامل تبعيت كنند, و يا آوري حق كشورهاي عضو پيمان در مطابقت از ماده يكم و دوم پيمان , براي توسعه تحقيقات , توليد و استفاده از انرژي هستهيي براي مقاصد صلح آميز بدون تبعيض .
يا آوري قطعنامه هيئت حكام آژانس كه اظهار مي دارد كه حل موضوع هستهيي ايران كمك به تلاش هاي منع تكثير جهاني و تحقق هدف خاورميانه عاري از تسليحات كشتار جمعي مي باشد...
با توجه به نگراني هاي جدي كه در گزارشات 27 فوريه 2006, و 8 ژوئن 2006 و 31 اوت 2006 و 14 نوامبر2006 و 22 فوريه 2007 .......18 فوريه 2010 و31 مه 2010 مربوط به مديركل آژانس بين المللي انرژي هستهيي, ايران تعليق كامل و ثابتِ همهي فعاليت هاي غني سازي و باز پردازش و پروژه هاي مربوط به آب سنگين را برقرار نكرده است, آنچنان كه در قطعنامه هاي 1696 (2006) ,1737 (2006) , 1747(2007) و 1803( 2008) آمده است, و فعاليت هايش را با آژانس تحت پروتكل الحاقي ازسر نگرفته و با آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي در ارتباط با موضوعات موجب نگراني باقيمانده, همكاري نكرده است, كه نيازست تا كه امكان ابعاد نظامي برنامه هستهيي ايران روشن شود ونيز ساير اقدامات مورد نياز هيئت حكام آژانس را تامين نكرده است و مقررات قطعنامه هاي 1696,1737,1747,1703 شوراي امنيت را اجابت نكرده است.
اين امر براي اعتماد سازي ضروريست و با تاسف از امتناع ايران از برداشتن اين گام ها. . .
با توجه به نگراني هاي جدي در رابطه با عناصر سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي ( آي آر جي سي كه بعنوان ارتش پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي نيز شناخته مي شود), از جمله آنهايي كه در ضمائم D,E از قطعنامه 1737(2006) , وضميمه 1 از قطعنامه 1747(2007) و ضميمه 2از اين قطعنامه , مشخص شده است ,كه در فعاليتهاي تكثير حساس هستهيي و گسترش سيستم حمل و پرتاب تسليحات اتمي نقش داشته است.
با توجه به نگراني مربوط به اين كه ايران يك تاسيسات غني سازي در قم در نقض تعهداتش در رابطه با تعليق تمامي فعاليتهاي غني سازي ساخته است, و ايران آنرا به آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي تا سپتامبر2009اطلاع نداده بود, كه در مغايرت با تعهدات آن تحت ترتيبات متممِ توافقنامه حفظ و نگهداريست.
همچنين با توجه به قطعنامه هيئت حكام آژانس كه از ايران مي خواهد فوراً ساختن قم را به حالت تعليق در آورد و هدف از اين تاسيسات ,روزشمار طرح و ساختمان سازي آنرا روشن نمايد , و از ايران همچنانكه توسط آژانس نيز ازايران خواسته شده بودخواسته مي شود كه تاييد كند كه تصميم به ساختن يا ساختن رسمي يا ساختن هر نوع ديگر از تاسيسات هستهيي كه تا كنون به آژانس اطلاع نداده است را, ندارد .
با توجه به نگراني جدي نسبت به اين كه ايران, اورانيوم را تا حد 20 درصد تغليظ نموده و اين كار را بدون اطلاع به آژانس, تا كه آئين نامه هاي ضوابط حفظ و نگهداري فعلي را ( آژانس .م) در زمان مكفي براي آن, تنظيم كند, انجام داده است . . .

با تاكيد بر اين كه چين ,فرانسه, آلمان, روسيه فدر ال, انگلستان و آمريكا مايلند كه اقدامات قاطعانه تري صورت گيرد تا كه استراتژي كلي حل موضوع هستهيي ايران, از طريق مذاكرات بر مبناي پيشنهادات ژوئن 2006 و پيشنهادات ژوئن 2008 مورد بررسي قرار گيرد.
با توجه به اين كه در صورت تاييد اين كشورها, در زماني كه اعتماد جامعه بين المللي به ماهيت صلح آميز برنامه هسته يي ايران جلب شود, درآن صورت با آن به همان شيوه اي كه باهر كشور غير هستهيي عضو پيمان منع تكثير سلاح اتمي تنظيم مي شود, برخورد خواهد شد.
با استقبال از دستورالعمل صادر شده از طرف ( اف. اي. تي. اف) گروه ويژهي اقدام مالي براي كمك به كشورها دراجراي التزامات مالي شان به موجب قطعنامه 1737 و 1803 و با ياد آوري نياز ويژه به اعمال هوشياري, در رابطه با معاملاتي كه بانك هاي ايراني از جمله بانك مركزي ايران دارند, تاكه بتوانند مانع معاملاتي شوند كه درخدمت فعاليتهاي حساس تكثير هستهيي يا توسعه سيستم هاي پرتاب جنگ افزار مي باشند. . .
با توجه به حقوق و التزامات كشورها در رابطه با تجارت جهاني, ياد آوري قانون دريا , همچنانكه در كنوانسيون ملل متحد در مورد قانون دريا (1982) چهارچوب قانوني قابل اجرا براي فعاليت هاي دريايي منعكس شده است . . .

در عمل به ماده شماره 41 از فصل هفتم ملل‌متحد
1 – تأييد مي‌كند كه ايران تاكنون نتوانسته است التزامات حكام آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي را برآورده سازد و از قطعنامه 1696(2006)، 1737(2006)، 1747(2007) و 1803(2008) متابعت نمايد؛
2 - تأييد مي‌كند كه ايران بدون هيچگونه تأخيري، گامهاي مورد نياز هيأت حكام آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي در ارتباط با قطعنامه‌هاي آن به تاريخ حكام/2009/14 و حكام/2009/82 را برخواهد داشت. اينها براي اعتمادسازي در هدف انحصاراً صلح‌آميز برنامه اتمي ايران ضرورت دارند تا مسائل حل ناشده را پاسخ دهد و به نگرانيهاي جدي كه از ساختن يك تأسيسات غني‌سازي در قم كه در نقض التزاماتش براي تعليق همه فعاليتهاي مربوطه ايجاد شده بپردازد و در اين چارچوب، اضافه‌ بر آن بر تصميم خود كه ايران بلادرنگ گامهاي لازم در پاراگراف دوم قطعنامه 1737(2006) را برمي‌دارد تآكيد مي‌كند
3 - تأييد مي‌كند كه ايران بطور كامل با آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي در مورد همه مقولات حل ناشده همكاري خواهد كرد به‌خصوص در مورد آنها كه باعث نگرانيهايي راجع به احتمال ابعاد نظامي برنامه اتمي ايران شده است و اينكار را با فراهم ساختن دسترسي بدون تأخير به همه سايتها، تجهيزات، اشخاص و اسنادِ مورد درخواست آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي محقق كند و تأكيد دارد بر اهميت مطمئن شدن از اينكه؛ آژانس اتمي، تمامي امكانات و اختيارات لازم براي مطمئن شدن از اينكه اين آژانس كارش در ايران را انجام مي‌دهد
4 – از دبيركل آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي مي‌خواهد تا همه گزارشاتش راجع به اجرا شدن مقررات[وضوابط ايمني] در ايران را با شوراي امنيت در ميان بگذارد؛
5 - تعيين مي‌كند كه ايران بلادرنگ و بطور كامل و بدون محدوديت و شرايطي از توافق مقررات و ضوابط ايمني آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي متابعت نمايد كه شامل آئين‌نامه 3.1 ترتيبات فرعي اين توافق نيز مي‌شود و در اين توافق از ايران خواسته شده بطور دقيقي مطابق مقررات پروتكل الحاقي عمل كند كه آن را در 18 دسامبر2003 امضا كرده و از ايران مي‌خواهد بالفور پروتكل الحاقي را مورد تصويب قرار دهد و تأكيد كند كه بنا به مواد 24 و 39 اين مقررات مربوط به توافقنامه مقررات، توافقنامه مقررات ايران و تريتبات فرعي آن شامل آئين‌نامه اصلاح شده 3.1 نمي‌تواند اصلاح شود يا بطور يكجانبه توسط ايران تغيير كند و يادآور مي‌شود كه هيچ مكانيزمي در اين توافقنامه نيست كه هيچيك از مقررات در اين ت رتيبات فرعي را بتواند تعليق كرد؛
6 - تأييد مي‌كند كه بنا به التزاماتِ ايران تحت قطعنامه‌هاي قبلي بايد تمامي بازپردازي و فعاليتهاي مرتبط با آب سنگين و غني‌سازي را معلق سازد و ايران احداث هيچ سايت غني‌سازي جديد يا بازپردازش يا تأسيسات مرتبط با آب سنگين را شروع نخواهد كرد و كار احداث جاري هرگونه تأسيسات غني‌سازي اورانيوم، بازپردازش را متوقف مي‌كند؛
7 - تعيين مي‌كند كه ايران سود و منفعتي در هيچگونه فعاليت تجاري در كشور ديگري در استخراج اورانيوم يا توليد يا كاربرد مواد اتمي و تكنولوژي آنطور كه در بخش اول INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1آمده كسب نخواهد كرد و بخصوص غني‌سازي اورانيوم و فعاليتهاي بازپردازش، تمامي فعاليتهاي آب سنگين يا تكنولوژي مربوط به موشكهاي بالستيك كه مي‌تواند سلاح اتمي حمل كنند و علاوه براين، تعيين مي‌كند كه تمامي كشورها از اينگونه سرمايه‌گذاري در خاك تحت حيطه قضايي ايران يا شهروندان آن و نهادهاي وابسته در ايران يا مرتبط با حوزه قضايي آن يا توسط اشخاص و شركتهايي كه از طرف آنها يه با دستور آنها عمل مي‌كنند يا توسط شركتهايي كه متعلق به يا توسط آنها كنترل مي‌شود خودداري خواهند كرد
8 - تعيين مي‌كند كه همه كشورها از تأمين مستقيم يا غيرمستقيم، فروش يا انتقال يا از طريق خاكشان يا شهروندانشان يا اشخاصِ حيطه قضايي‌شان به ايران، يا استفاده از پرچم كشتي يا هواپيما(AIRCRAFT ) و اينكه از كشور خودشان آغاز كرده باشند، از تأمين هرگونه اقلام زير جلوگيري خواهند كرد: تانكهاي جنگي، خودروهاي رزمي زرهي، سيستمهاي توپخانه‌يي كاليبر برزگ، هواپيماهاي رزمي، هليكوپترهاي تهاجمي، ناوهاي جنگي، موشكها يا سيستمهاي موشكي كه در تسليحات متعارف ملل‌متحد ثبت شده يا مواد مربوطه شامل قطعات يا اقلامي كه توسط شوراي امنيت يا كميته ايجاد شده متعاقب قطعنامه 1737(2006) ثبت شده‌اند اين كميته علاوه بر اينها تعيين مي‌كند كه همه كشورها از تأمين آموزشهاي فني يا دادن امكانات مالي يا خدماتي ومشورتي و ساير خدمات از خاكشان يا از طريق آنها به ايران توسط شهروندانشان جلوگيري مي‌كنند. تأمين امكانات مرتبط با تأمين، فروش، انتقال، تهيه، ساخت، نگهداري يا كاربرد چنين تسليحاتي و مواد مربوطه نيز منع‌ مي‌شود. با اينوصف از تمامي كشورها خواسته است تا نسبت به موارد زير مراقب باشند و خويشتنداري كنند: تأمين، فروش، انتقال، تهيه، ساخت و كاربرد تمامي سلاحهاي ديگر و مواد مربوطه؛
9 - تعيين مي‌كند كه ايران به هيچگونه فعاليت مرتبط با موشكهاي بالستيك از جمله پرتاب كننده با استفاده از تكنولوژي موشك بالستيكي كه بتوانند سلاح اتمي را استفاده كنند دست نخواهد زد و كشورها تمامي تدابير لازم مربوط به چنين فعاليتهايي را اتخاذ مي‌كنند تا از انتقال تكنولوژي يا كمك تكنيكي به ايران خودداري شود.
10 - تعيين مي‌كند كه همه كشورها اقدامات لازم براي جلوگيري از ورود به يا گذار از ميان خاكشان توسط اشخاصي كه در ضميمه C، D و E از قطعنامه 1737(2006)، ضميمه يكم از قطعنامه 1747(2007) نامشان قيد شده به‌عمل آورند. ضمايم يكم و دوم از قطعنامه 1803(2008) و ضمايم يكم و دوم از اين قطعنامه، يا توسط شوراي امنيت يا كميته متعاقب پاراگراف دهم از قطعنامه 1737 (2006)، بجز جايي كه چنين وارداتي براي ايران از اقلام زيرپاراگراف 3(b)(i) يا زيرپاراگراف (ii ) از قطعنامه 1737(2006) مطابق پاراگراف سوم از قطعنامه 1737(2006)، تأكيد مي‌كندكه هيچ چيز در اين پاراگراف كشوري را ملزم نمي‌كند كه نگذارد شهروندانش وارد خاكش شوند و تعيين مي‌كند تدابيري كه در اين پاراگراف در نظر گرفته مي‌شوند وقتي كه اين كميته، مورد به مورد از چنين سفري را تعيين مي‌كند؛ بر اساس ضرورت انساندوستانه ازجمله التزامات مذهبي يا جايي كه اين كميته به اين نتيجه برسد كه يك استثنا در اهداف اين قطعنامه لازم مي‌باشد كه شامل ماده پانزدهم از استاتوي آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي مي‌باشد.
11 – تعيين مي‌كند كه تدابيري كه در پاراگرافهاي 12، 13، 14 و 15 از قطعنامه 1737(2006) نيز در مورد اشخاص و شركتها كه از طرف يا در جهت آنها كار مي‌كنند كه در ضميمنه اول اين قطعنامه ليست شده و به شركتهايي كه متعلق به يا توسط آنها كنترل مي‌شود هم صادق است كه اين شامل آنهايي كه از طرق غيرقانوني عمل مي‌كنند هم مي‌شود. هم‌چنين به هر شخصي يا شركتي كه توسط اين شورا تعيين شود يا اين كميته كه به اشخاص و شركتهاي نامگذاري شده براي طفره رفتن از تحريمها يا در نقش مقررات قطعنامه‌هاي 1737(2006)، 1747(2007)، 1803(2008) يا يان قطعنامه كمك كرده باشد؛
12 - تعيين مي‌كند كه اقدامات مشخص شده در پاراگرافهاي 12، 13، 14 و 15 از قطعنامه 1737(2006) هم‌چنين براي سپاه پاسداران صادق خواهد بود(آي.آر.جي.سي كه به ارتش پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي هم شناخته مي‌شود) اشخاص و موجوديتها مشخص شده در ضميمه دوم و به اشخاص و موجوديتها كه از طرف يا در جهت آنها عمل مي‌كنند و به نهادهاي متعلق به يا كنترل شده توسط آنها از جمله از طرق غيرقانوني، و از همه كشورها مي‌خواهد تا در ارتباط با اين معاملات كه مرتبط به سپاه شود و ممكن است به فعاليتهاي تكثير حساس اتمي يا به توسعه سيستمهاي حمل و پرتاب سلاح اتمي ربط پيدا كند مراقبت و هوشياري داشته باشند

13- تصميم مي گيرد كه بخاطر اهداف اقدامات تعيين شده در پاراگرافهاي 3 , 4, 5, 6, و 7 قطعنامه 1737 (2006), ليست اقلام موجود در S/2006/814 بايستي توسط ليست اقلام موجود در INFCIRC/254/Rev.9 – قسمت اول, و INFCIRC/254/Rev.7 – قسمت دوم, و هر گونه كالاي ديگري جايگزين شود. اين در صورتي است كه كشور مزبور مشخص مي كند كه اين اقلام مي توانند به امور مربوط به غني سازي, بازفرآوري, يا فعاليتهاي مربوط به آب سنگين يا توسعه سيستمهاي حمل سلاحهاي اتمي كمك برسانند. همچنين تصميم مي گيرد كه بخاطر اهداف اقدامات تعيين شده در پاراگرافهاي 3, 4, 5, 6, و 7 قطعنامه 1737 (2006), ليست اقلام موجود در S/2006/815 بايستي با ليست اقلام موجود در S/2010/263 جايگزين شود.
14- از همه كشورها مي خواهد كه بر اساس اختيارات ملي و قوانين خود, و در راستاي قوانين بين المللي , بويژه قانون دريا, و مطابق توافقنامه هاي پروازهاي غيرنظامي, تمامي محموله هاي موجود, به ايران و از ايران را در خاك خود, از جمله در بنادر دريايي و فرودگاهها مورد بازرسي قرار دهند. اين در صورتي است كه كشور مورد نظر, اطلاعاتي در دست دارد كه دلايل منطقي براي اينكه باور كرد محموله مزبور, شامل اقلامي است كه تهيه, فروش, نقل و انتقال يا صادرات آنها بواسطه پاراگرافهاي 3,4, يا 7 قطعنامه 1737 (2006), پاراگراف 5 قطعنامه 1747 (2007), پاراگراف 8 قطعنامه 1803 (2008), يا پاراگرافهاي 8 يا 9 همين قطعنامه, بمنظور اطمينان از اجراي صريح اين مقررات , منع شده اند.
15- خاطر نشان مي كند كه كشورها, مطابق قوانين بين المللي و بخصوص قانون دريا, مي توانند با موافقت كشور تحت پرچم, درخواست بازرسي شناورها را در آبهاي آزاد بدهند. همچنين از همه كشورها مي خواهد كه اگر, اطلاعاتي وجود دارد كه دلايل منطقي براي اينكه باور كرد شناور مزبور, حامل اقلامي است كه تهيه, فروش, نقل و انتقال يا صادرات آنها, بواسطه پاراگرافهاي 3, 4 , يا 7 قطعنامه 1737 (2006), پاراگراف 5 قطعنامه 1747 (2007), پاراگراف 8 قطعنامه 1803 (2008), يا پاراگرافهاي 8 يا 9 اين قطعنامه , بمنظور اطمينان از اجراي صريح مقررات مزبور, منع گرديده اند, در چنين بازرسي هايي همكاري لازم را مبذول دارند.
16- تصميم مي گيرد كه همه كشورها را مجاز بدارد, و همه كشورها بايد, اقلامي كه تهيه, فروش, نقل و انتقال يا صادرات آنها بواسطه پاراگرافهاي 3, 4, يا 7 قطعنامه 1737 (2006), پاراگراف 5 قطعنامه 1747 (2007), پاراگراف 8 قطعنامه 1803 (2008), يا پاراگرافهاي 8 يا 9 اين قطعنامه, منع شده اند, و در بازرسي ها شناسايي گرديدند , متعاقب پاراگرافهاي 14 يا 15 اين قطعنامه, توقيف و دور افكنده شوند (مثلا آنها را ويران كرد, غيرقابل استفاده كرد, انبار كرد, يا به كشور ديگري به جز كشورهاي مبدا يا مقصد فرستاد), به نحوي كه با تعهدات آنها در زمينه قطعنامه هاي قابل اجراي شوراي امنيت , از جمله قطعنامه 1540 (2004), و نيز هر گونه تعهد طرفين نسبت به ان پي تي در تضاد نباشد. همچنين تصميم مي گيرد كه همه كشورها, بايستي در چنين تلاشهايي همكاري كنند.
17- هر دولتي را ملزم مي دارد كه وقتي يك بازرسي را مطابق با پاراگرافهاي 14 يا 15 در بالا برعهده مي گيرد , يك گزارش مكتوب اوليه را ظرف 5 روز كاري به كميته تسليم كند, كه بطور خاص شامل شرح دلايل اين بازرسيها, نتايج چنين بازرسيها, و اينكه آيا در اين زمينه همكاري وجود داشته يا نه, و , آيا اقلامي كه نقل و انتقال آنها ممنوع است, يافت شده, گردد. همچنين , چنين كشورهايي را ملزم مي دارد كه در گام بعد, متعاقبا , يك گزارش مكتوب كه شامل جزييات مربوط به اين نقل و انتقال و مقصد آن به كميته تسليم كند. اين درصورتي است كه اين اطلاعات در گزاش اوليه نيامده باشد.
18- تصميم مي گيرد كه همه كشورها , بايستي خاك خود و اتباع خود را از ارائه مقررات خدمات سوخت رساني به كشتي ها , از قبيل مقررات سوخت يا تداركات , يا ساير خدمات به شناورها, شناورهاي قراردادي يا تحت تملك ايران, از جمله شناورهاي اجاره شده, منع كنند. اين در صورتي است كه آنها, اطلاعاتي دارند كه دلايل منطقي براي اينكه باور كرد شناورهاي مزبور, حامل اقلامي هستند كه تهيه, فروش, نقل و انتقال يا صادرات آنها, بواسطه پاراگرافهاي 3, 4 , يا 7 قطعنامه 1737 (2006), پاراگراف 5 قطعنامه 1747 (2007), پاراگراف 8 قطعنامه 1803 (2008), يا پاراگرافهاي 8 يا 9 اين قطعنامه , منع گرديده اند, مگر آنكه فراهم كردن چنين خدماتي براي اهداف انساندوستانه, ضروري باشد, و يا زماني اين خدمات ارائه شوند كه اين محموله بازرسي شده, توقيف شده, و در صورت لزوم دور افكنده شده. همچنين تاكيد مي كند كه اين منظور از اين پاراگراف , تاثير گذاري بر روي فعاليتهاي مشروع اقتصادي نيست.
19- تصميم مي گيرد كه اقدامات تعيين شده در پاراگرافهاي 12, 13, 14, و 15 از قطعنامه 1737 (2006) , كه در ضميمه شماره 3 تعيين شده, همچنين, بايد در مورد نهادهاي خطوط كشتيراني جمهوري اسلامي ايران, و هر شخص يا نهادي كه از طرف آنها يا تحت هدايت آنها عمل مي كند, و نهادهايي كه تحت تملك يا كنترل آنها, از جمله به طرق قاچاق و نامشروع است, و يا توسط شورا يا كميته معين شده كه براي طفره رفتن از تحريمات, يا در نقض مقررات قطعنامه هاي 1737 (2006), 1747(2007), 1803 (2008), يا اين قطعنامه, كمك كرده اند, نيز بكار گرفته شوند.
20- از تمامي كشورهاي عضو درخواست دارد كه هر گونه اطلاعات قابل دسترس در مورد نقل و انتقالات يا فعاليتهاي مربوط به محموله هاي هوايي ايران, يا نقل و انتقال توسط شناورهاي ايران يا شناورهايي كه توسط خطوط كشتي راني جمهوري اسلامي ايران بكار گرفته مي شود, و به مقصد كمپاني هاي ديگري هستند كه ممكن است به منظور طفره رفتن از تحريمات يا در نقض مقررات قطعنامه هاي 1737 (2006) , 1747 (2007) , 1803 (2008) , يا قطعنامه حاضر, از قبيل نامگذاري مجدد, يا ثبت مجدد هواپيما, شناور, يا كشتي ها , بكار گرفته شده باشند, با كميته ذيربط در ميان بگذارند. همچنين درخواست دارد كه اين كميته, اطلاعات مزبور را بطور گسترده اي در دسترس قرار دهد.
21- از همه كشورها مي خواهد كه علاوه بر اجراي تعهدات خود حول قطعنامه هاي 1737 (2006) , 1747 (2007) , 1803 (2008) , و قطعنامه حاضر, از ارائه خدمات مالي و هر گونه سرمايه گذاري در زمينه مالي و ديگر سرمايه گذاريها يا منابع, از جمله بيمه يا تجديد بيمه, يا نقل و ا نتقال به, از طريق, يا از, خاكشان , يا به , يا توسط اتباع خود, يا نهادهايي كه تحت قوانين آنها سازماندهي شده اند, (شامل شاخه هايي در خارج كشور) , يا اشخاص , يا موسسات مالي در خاكشان, ممانعت بعمل آورند. (از جمله راههاي اين ممانعت-م) انسداد هر گونه سرمايه هاي مالي يا ديگر سرمايه ها يا منابع در خاكشان , يا در حوزه قانوني آنها, يا اينكه بعد از اين, در حوزه قانوني آنها يا , بعد از اين, در خاكشان, صورت بگيرد, كه به چنين برنامه ها يا فعاليتهايي مرتبط باشد, و نظارت بيشتري را براي ممانعت از تمامي اينگونه نقل و انتقالات , بر اساس اختيارات قانوني و ملي آنها, بكار گرفته شود. اين در صورتي است كه آنها, اطلاعاتي دارند كه كه دلايل محسوسي ارائه مي دهد كه بتوان باور كرد كه چنين خدماتي , سرمايه هايي, يا دلايلي, مي تواند به فعاليتهاي حساس اتمي ايران كمك برساند, يا به توسعه سيستمهاي حمل سلاح اتمي آن كمك كند.
22- تصميم مي گيرد كه تمامي كشورها بايستي اتباع و اشخاص خود را كه تابع حوزه قانوني آنها مي باشند, و شركتهايي كه در خاك آنها ثبت شده اند, يا تابع حوزه قانوني آنها هستند, ملزم بدارند كه هنگامي كه با نهادهاي ثبت شده در ايران, يا تابع حوزه قانوني ايران هستند, از جمله آنهايي كه در ارتباط با سپاه پاسداران و خطوط كشتيراني جمهوري اسلامي ايران , و هر فرد و نهادي مي باشند, كه از طرف آنها يا تحت هدايت آنها عمل مي كنند, و نهادهايي كه تحت تملك آنهاست, يا توسط آنها, از جمله از طرق غير مشروع كنترل مي شوند , تجارت مي كنند, هوشيار باشند و جانب احتياط را بگيرند. اين در صورتي است كه آنها, اطلاعاتي دارند كه دلايل محسوسي ارائه مي دهد كه چنين تجارتي, مي تواند به فعاليتهاي حساس تكثير اتمي ايران كمك برساند, يا به توسعه سيستمهاي حمل سلاح اتمي آن كمك كند, يا به نقض قطعنامه هاي 1737 (2006), 11747 (2007), 1803 (2008), يا اين قطعنامه منجر شود.
23- از كشورها مي خواهد, دست به اقدامات مناسبي بزنند كه بر اساس آن, گشودن شعب جديد, يا دفاتر نمايندگي وابسته به بانكهاي ايراني را در خاك خود منع كنند, و نيز اجازه ندهند كه بانكهاي ايراني , نهادهاي مشترك جديدي ايجاد كنند, يا از حق قانوني مالكيت سرمايه , يا داير كردن, يا حفظ روابط متقابل با بانكهاي موجود در حوزه قانوني آنها برخوردار شوند, تا جلوي ارائه خدمات مالي به آنها گرفته شود. اين در صورتي است كه آنها اطلاعاتي دارند كه دلايل محسوسي ارائه مي دهد كه اين فعاليتها, مي تواند به فعاليتهاي حساس اتمي ايران كمك برساند يا به توسعه سيستمهاي حمل سلاح اتمي كمك كند.
پيروي از قانون, تحقيقات, اقدام براي برقراري ارتباط, گفتگو, كمك و همكاري ظرف 45 روز بعد از اتخاذ اين قطعنامه به شورا ارائه مي گردد. …
24 - فراخوانها از دولتها براي اتخاذ گامهاي مناسب تا نهادهاي مالي در خاك خودشان يا تحت حيطه قضايي‌شان چنانچه اطلاعاتي كسب كنند كه زمينه‌هاي معقولي ارائه كند كه باور شود چنين خدمات مالي، ممكن است به فعاليتهاي تكثيري حساس اتمي ايران يا به توسعه سيستمهاي حمل و پرتاب سلاح اتمي كمك كند. را از باز كردن دفاتر نمايندگي يا شعبات فرعي يا باز كردن حساب بانكي در ايران ممانعت كنند.
25 - از نقض ممنوعيتهاي پاراگراف 5 از قطعنامه 1747(2007) كه از زمان اتخاذ قطعنامه 1747(2007) به اين كميته گزارش شده ابراز انزجار مي‌كند و كشورهايي كه عليه نقض اين مقررات واكنش نشان داده‌اند را تحسين مي‌كند و آنها را به اين كميته گزارش مي‌كند.
26- كميته را موظف مي كند كه بطور موثري به موارد نقض اقدامات تعيين شده در قطعنامه هاي 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), و اين قطعنامه پاسخ داده و خاطرنشان مي كند كه اين كميته, مي تواند افراد و نهادهايي را كه به افراد يا نهادهاي نامگذاري شده (در ليست تنبيهات گذاشته شده-م) در طفره رفتن از تحريمات, يا در نقض مقررات اين قطعنامه ها كمك كرده اند, نامگذاري كند (در ليست بگذارد-م).
27 ـ تصميم مي گيرد كه كميته تلاش هاي خود را تشديد كند, تا كه اجراي كامل قطعنامه هاي 1737(2006) ,1747(2007) , 1803(2008) را گسترش داده و اين قطعنامه به ضميمه برنامه كاري كه توافق, تحقيقات, برقراري رابطه , گفتگو, كمك و همكاري را مدنظرقرار ميدهدرا در عرض 45 روز از پذيرش قطعنامه, به شورا تقديم مي شود.

28 – تصميم ميگيرد كه اختيارات اين كميته همانطوريكه در پاراگراف 18 از قطعنامه 1737 (2006) مشخص شده , همانطوري كه توسط پاراگراف 14 قطعنامه 1803 (سال 2008) تصحيح شده, بايد همچنين به اقداماتي كه در اين قطعنامه تصميم گرفته شده بكار گرفته شود, منجمله دريافت گزارشات از كشورهاي كه به موجب پاراگراف 17 به آنها احاله شده.
29 - از دبيركل درخواست دارد در مشورت با اين كميته يك گروه از 8 كارشناس ( ”كميته كارشناسان”) , تحت هدايت اين كميته را براي يك پريود مقدماتي يكساله ايجاد كند تا ماموريتهاي زير را اجرا نمايد:
(aكمك به اين كميته براي اجراي ماموريتش همانطوريكه در پاراگراف 18 قطعنامه 1737 (2006) و پاراگراف 28 اين قطعنامه مشخص شده,
(b جمع آوري, تجزيه و تحليل اطلاعات از كشورها, مرتبط با نهادهاي سازمان ملل و ديگر طرفهاي ذينفع در رابطه با اجراي اقدامات تصميم گرفته شده در قطعنامه 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) و اين قطعنامه, بخصوص وقايع عدم متابعت,
(c دادن توصيه ها در مورد اعمال اين شورا, يا اين كميته يا كشور, كه ممكن است بهبود اجراي اقدامات مربوطه را بررسي كند.
(d اين شورا يك گزارش موقتي در مورد كارش ارائه مي دهد كه بيشتر از 90 روز بعد از تعيين اين كميته طول نكشد و دادن گزارش نهايي به اين شورا به همراه يافته ها و توصيه ها قبل از 30 روز پيش از خاتمه يافتن ماموريتش باشد.
30 –تمام كشورها, مرتبط به نهادهاي سازمان ملل و ديگر طرفهاي ذينفع را ترغيب به همكاري كامل با اين كميته و هيئت كارشناسان بكند, بخصوص با ارسال هرگونه اطلاعاتي كه در مورد اجراي اقدامات تصميم گرفته شده در قطعنامه هاي 1737(206), 1747(2007), 1803 (2008) و اين قعطنامه در دسترس باشد, بخصوص وقايعي از عدم متابعت .
31 – از تمام كشورها بخواهد تا به اين كميته ظرف 60 روز از اتخاذ اين قطعنامه در مورد اقداماتي كه آنها اتخاذ كرده اند با در نظر گرفتن اجراي موثر پارارافهاي7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23, و 24

32- تاكيد بر تمايل چين, فرانسه, آلمان و فدراسيون روسيه, انگستان و آمريكا براي افزايش اقدامات ديپلماتيك جهت ترويج گفتگو و مشاوره, شامل از سرگيري گفتگو با ايران در مورد موضوع هستهيي بدون پيش شرط, ميكند. در آخرين ملاقات خود با ايران در اول اكتبر 2009 در ژنو با ديدگاه پيگيري يك راه حل مناسب, جامع و طولاني مدت بر اساس پيشنهاد داده شده توسط چين, فرانسه, آلمان, روسيه, انگلستان و آمريكا در 14 ژوئن 2008, كه به توسعه روابط و همكاري گستردهتر با ايران بر مبناي احترام متقابل و برقراري اعتماد بين المللي نسبت به ماهيت صرفا صلح آميز برنامه هستهيي ايران, و در ميان چيزهاي ديگر, شروع مذاكرات رسمي با ايران بر اساس پيشنهاد ژوئن 208, و تصديق اينكه پيشنهاد ژوئن 2008, همانطوريكه در ضميمه 4 اين قطعنامه آمده روي ميز باقي مانده است.
33- تشويق نماينده علي اتحاديه اروپا براي امور خارجه و سياست امنيتي به ادامه ارتباط با ايران در حمايت از اقدامات سياسي و ديپلماتيك جهت يافتن راه حل مذاكره, شامل پيشنهاد مناسب توسط چين, فرانسه, آ لمان, روسيه, انگلستان و آمريكا با ديدگاه ايجاد شرايط لازم براي از سرگيري گفتگوها و ترغيب ايران به پاسخگوي مثبت به چنين پيشنهاداتي.
34 – از مدير كل آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي براي پيشنهاد 21 اكتبر يك پيش نويس توافق شده بين آژانس بينالمللي انرژي اتمي و دولتهاي جمهوري فرانسه, جمهوري اسلامي ايران و فدراسيون روسيه قدرداني مي كند, اين پيش نويس درجهت كمك به تضمين سوخت هستهيي جهت راكتور تحقيقاتي در ايران براي ارسال سوخت اتمي به راكتور تحقيقاتي تهران
36 – درخوست يك گزارش از مديركل آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي ظرف 90 روز به شوراي حكام آژانس بينالمللي انرژي اتمي و به موازات آن شوراي امنيت براي توصيه ها, كه آيا ايران بطور كامل و پايدار تمام فعاليت هاي اشاره شده در قطعنامه 1737 ( سال 2006) و همچنين در مورد پروسه متابعت با تمام اقدامت هاي الزام آور توسط شوراي حكام آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي و ديگر مفاد قطعنامه 1737 (2006), 1747 (207), 18.3 (2008) و اين قطعنامه را اجابت كرده است. …

37 - تائيد ميكند كه, براساس گزارش اشاره شده در پاراگراف فوق به شماره 36 كه در عرض 90 روز ارائه داده خواهد شد , اقدامات ايران را مورد بررسي قرار خواهد داد,
الف ) اگر تا زمانيكه ايران تمامي فعاليتهاي امورات غني سازي و بازپردازش شامل تحقيقات و توسعه بر مبناي مشخص شده توسط آژانس اتمي را متوقف نمايد در اينصورت اعمال اقدامات ( تحريمات ) متوقف خواهد شد تا اجازه مذاكرات با حسن نيت, براي دستيابي به يك نتيجه مورد قبول و سريع داده شود.
ب) بلافاصله بعد از دريافت گزارش قيد شده در پاراگراف بالا و مشخص شدن اينكه ايران بطور كامل به تعهدات خود تحت قطعنامه مربوطه شوراي امنيت سازمان ملل عمل نموده و شرايط شوراي حكام آژانس اتمي را برآورده كرده است, به اقدامات مشخص شده در پاراگرافهاي ...... ( موارد و موضوعات مشخص شده تحريمات )خاتمه داده خواهد شد.
ج ) در حالتي كه گزارش نشان دهد ايران به قطعنامههاي 1737(2006) , 1747(2007), 1803 (2008)و اين قطعنامه عمل نكرده است , اقدامات مقتضي تحت ماده 41 فصل هفتم از منشور سازمان ملل اتخاذ خواهد شد تا ايران را قانع به پايبندي از اين قطعنامهها و شرايط آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي بنمايد و تاكيد ميكند در صورتيكه اقدامات بيشتري ضروري باشد ,تصميمات بيشتري نياز خواهد بود .

پيشنهادات به ايران توسط چين, فرانسه, آلمان , روسيه , انگلستان, امريكا و اتحاديه اروپا

تحويل داده شده به مقامات ايراني در تاريخ 14 ژوئن 2008 در تهران

زمينههاي همكاري با ايران
موارد زير موضوعات پيشنهادي براي مذاكرات بين چين, فرانسه,ايران, آلمان , روسيه , انگلستان و امريكا با شركت نماينده ارشد اتحاديه اروپا در صورت موافقت ايران با توقف فعاليتهاي غني سازي و بازپروري ميباشد.....
در رابطه با اين مذاكرات ما انتظار داريم كه ايران به درخواستهاي سازمان ملل و آژانس اتمي توجه نمايد.

در مقابل چين, فرانسه, آلمان , روسيه , انگلستان, امريكا و اتحاديه اروپا آمادگي خود را براي به رسميت شناختن حق ايران براي توسعه تحقيقاتي, توليد و استفاده از انرژي اتمي براي مصارف صلح آميز در كادر تعهدات ان پي تي اعلام ميكنند....در شرايطي كه ماهيت صلح آميز برنامه اتمي ايران بطور كامل ثابت شده و اعتماد بين المللي كسب شده باشد.....
توضيح زمينه هاي همكاري ( در صورت موافقت ايران با پيشنهادات ) :
انرژي اتمي....
همكاري در انرژي...
محيط زيست و زمينه هاي زير بنايي...


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